The Arabian Nights Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arabian Nights Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Background Chapter, The Story of King Shahryar And His Brother | Chapter 1, The Fisherman and the Jinni

1. Who does King Shahryar send to give gifts to his brother?
(a) The Jinni.
(b) The Wazir.
(c) The queen.
(d) A wealthy merchant farmer.

2. What do the two kings, Sharyar and his brother, Shah Zaman, vow?
(a) Never to trust women again.
(b) To tell the story of 'The Bull and the Ass' every day.
(c) To find new wives.
(d) Not to ask the Jinni for favors.

3. What does Shahrazad do in order to stay alive?
(a) Asks the Jinni to save her.
(b) Tell stories to the king.
(c) Escapes from the harem.
(d) Sings songs.

4. In Chapter 1, 'The Fisherman and the Jinni', what does NOT turn up in the fisherman's first three casts?
(a) A pitcher of sand.
(b) A donkey.
(c) A gold necklace.
(d) Broken pottery.

5. What comes out of the black jar after the fisherman rubs it?
(a) 20 dinars.
(b) A Jinni.
(c) Sand.
(d) A demon.

6. Where does the Ensorcelled Prince's wicked wife build the tomb for the crippled slave?
(a) In a cave.
(b) Under a cupola.
(c) On top of a mountain.
(d) In the desert.

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