The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Arabian Nights Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kamar take from Budur while she is sleeping?
(a) Her birth certificate.
(b) Her favorite amulet.
(c) Her palace necklace.
(d) Her signet ring.

2. What is the main struggle of the man who stole the gold dog bowl?
(a) Lying.
(b) Being cursed by a priest.
(c) Debt.
(d) Having no family.

3. What do the two kings, Sharyar and his brother, Shah Zaman, vow?
(a) Never to trust women again.
(b) Not to ask the Jinni for favors.
(c) To tell the story of 'The Bull and the Ass' every day.
(d) To find new wives.

4. When the three slaves met by Ghanim Bin Ayyub enter the courtyard, what DON'T they have?
(a) A chest.
(b) A basket full of mortar.
(c) A lantern.
(d) A jeweled mirror.

5. In the end of his story, Bukhayt became the property of ____________.
(a) The High Council.
(b) The City of Cairo.
(c) The Palace of Baghdad.
(d) The Royal Treasury.

6. Where does the hermit live?
(a) In the backwaters.
(b) On a mountain.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In the desert.

7. What does the nomad say that the Emir is?
(a) Wealthy.
(b) Cheap.
(c) Generous.
(d) Dangerous.

8. _______ seize the sweep while he is working and bring him to the noble lady.
(a) Jinnis.
(b) Eunuchs.
(c) Angels.
(d) Demons.

9. In The Tale of the Three Apples, what did the woman's husband bring her when she was ill?
(a) Three apples.
(b) Five apples.
(c) A slave.
(d) Ten apples.

10. How does the man who stole the gold bowl repay the formerly wealthy man?
(a) He is not able to.
(b) By bringing him a slave.
(c) By giving him money.
(d) By blessing him.

11. Where is the ruined man told to go in his dream?
(a) Burma.
(b) Cairo.
(c) Wali.
(d) Baghdad.

12. Upon meeting the angel, the hermit does what?
(a) Ignores it.
(b) Sends it away.
(c) Takes it as a pet.
(d) Makes it his slave.

13. In The Tale of the Three Apples, who does the Caliph decree responsible for the woman's death?
(a) The slave's wife.
(b) The Caliph's daughter.
(c) The lying slave.
(d) The husband of the woman.

14. Bukhayt was sold as a slave at the age of what?
(a) Five.
(b) Thirteen.
(c) Seven.
(d) Four.

15. How does the Caliph respond to the story of Ali The Persian?
(a) By sending him away.
(b) With anger.
(c) With laughter and appreciation.
(d) With confusion and request for more information.

Short Answer Questions

1. If the tale impresses the Caliph, what does he promise to do?

2. What does the Kurd do when he sees Ali with what he is holding?

3. Who is the first person that the animals in The Tale of The Birds And The Beasts And The Carpenter meet?

4. In what location does The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman begin?

5. After refusing marriage a second time, the king becomes enraged with Kamar and does what?

(see the answer keys)

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