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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what location does The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman begin?
2. According to the First Kalandar, when he returned to his kingdom for the first time, he found what?
3. Kamar says that marriage would be the 'cup of death' because......?
4. What did one of the dogs do to the man who stole the gold while they were being fed?
5. The eldest of the Three Ladies of Baghdad speaks of two black dogs. Who are they?
Short Essay Questions
1. Through this story of Nur Al-Din Ali And His Son Al-Din Hasan, how does Shahrazad indirectly remind King Shahryar of the value of family?
2. What are the fundamental differences in value systems between the duck and the three other animals; peahen, peacock and antelope metioned in The Tale of The Birds And The Beasts And The Carpenter?
3. In the opening chapter of The Story of King Shahryar And His Brother, Shahrazad is spared eligibility for beheading because she is one of the Wazir's daughters. Is her request to marry the king an act of fate/Allah's power, or rather an a human aspect of her personality?
4. How might Shahrazad's tale in The Tale of The Three Apples whittle away at the king's assumption that all women are faithless and untrustworthy?
5. In Hatim Of the Tribe of Tayy, how does this story blur the lines between the living and the dead?
6. How is Shahrazad able to hint at the king's faults through this story of The City of Many-Columned Iram and Abdullah Son of Abi Kalibah indirectly?
7. How do faith and destiny align in The Tale of Kamar Al-Zaman?
8. What does Shahrazad teach the king through her story In The Tale of Ma'an Son of Zaidah and The Badawi?
9. In the story of The Ruined Man Who Became Rich Again Through A Dream, Shahrazad reminds King Shahryar that a life lived in faith is rewarding. Why is this an important reminder from Shahrazad to the king?
10. What might Shahrazad be suggesting through her tale to the king in The Hermits?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The seemingly random and somewhat humorous story of How Abu Hasan Broke Wind seems to have no apparent places in this plethora of artfully told selection of moralistic tales. Explore the reasons why Shahrazad may have decided to tell this tale. Consider the following background concepts when outlining your essay:
Characters' intentions/reasonings.
Length of the book itself.
Length of the tale.
Essay Topic 2
Ask students to re-read the Tale of Nur Al-Din Ali And His Son Badr Al-Din Hasan, especially keeping in mind the intent behind Shahrazad's seemingly innocuous intent. Write down the points/situations at which suspense was created, and how. After getting into groups, discussing and compiling the best and most poignant moments, individually write an essay revolving around the many ways by which Shahrazad created suspense throughout this tale.
Essay Topic 3
The Story of King Shahryar and His Brother demonstrates the good of what will come when all characters involved that are suffering turn their fates over to Allah. This is also a consistent theme seen throughout the telling of Shahrazad's tales until the end of the novel itself. Now, Arabian Nights is seen as one of the most powerful and beautiful classics of all times in the literary world. Do you feel that the historical timing of the introduction of this book to society helped its ascension to fame, or hindered it? Would another Arabian Nights be so highly lauded if offered up to the public today, despite its moral teachings?
Consider and recognize:
Islamic culture in Persia at that time.
Stances on religion and appropriateness of religious teachings in schools at this time.
Women's traditional places in the areas discussed in the book at that time.
Women's rights today.
Accepted sexual practices of the political elite at the time.
Unacceptable publicity of sexual practices of the politically elite at that time.
This section contains 1,184 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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