A Wind in the Door Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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A Wind in the Door Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Progo ask Meg to do when they return from his demonstration of the Echthros?
(a) call for Mr. Blajeny
(b) take them to Mr. Jenkins
(c) figure out what to do
(d) go home

2. How does Progo take Meg places?
(a) walking
(b) levitation
(c) flying
(d) gathered in his wings

3. What does Progo say Meg is doing when she hates Mr. Jenkins?
(a) she is Xing him
(b) she's hurting Progo
(c) she's hating Charles
(d) she's causing him to split

4. What does Progo call Earth?
(a) a crowed planet
(b) a shadowed planet
(c) a beautiful planet
(d) a living planet

5. What does Blajeny tell Meg and Proginoskes they must do?
(a) pass three tests
(b) talk everyday
(c) go to another world
(d) learn to read a strange language

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of sound does Louise make around the three Jenkinses?

2. What part of Mrs. Murry's work does her husband think might be related to the cosmic rips?

3. In what location does Charles tell Meg he saw dragons?

4. What does Louise tell Meg?

5. How do Meg and Progo feel when a second Mr. Jenkins arrives in the school yard?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Meg feel about Mr. Jenkins, why does she go to see him and what happened when she did?

2. Where is the rest of the Murry family when Meg and Charles talk at the beginning of the book?

3. What happens when Charles and Meg get to the garden and there are no dragons?

4. What does Progo tell Meg when she asks him about her hate for Mr. Jenkins?

5. Who comes striding out of the woods where Meg, Charles and Calvin are standing?

6. Why is Meg pleased that Charles brought Louise to school?

7. What does Progo tell Meg the morning after she met him?

8. What has Blajeny told the children that has Charles happy?

9. Who joins Meg and Calvin in the garden, what does he say, and then what show up?

10. What did Progo do as a student namer and what is a namer?

(see the answer keys)

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