A Good Kind of Trouble Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Moore Ramée
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Good Kind of Trouble Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Moore Ramée
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Shayla consider a perfect lab partner as the book begins?
(a) Tyler.
(b) Alex.
(c) Jace.
(d) Bernard.

2. Whom of the following ends Tyler’s kiss?
(a) Ms. Jacobs.
(b) Coach West.
(c) Principal Trask.
(d) Mr. Powell.

3. How many siblings does Shayla’s mother have?
(a) 9.
(b) 8.
(c) 7.
(d) 10.

4. With which of the following does Chapter 26: "Squad Goals" begin?
(a) “Even though I always use my lead leg now, I’m still not getting over the hurdles easily.”
(b) “When Momma picks me up, she asks me why I’m not wearing my costume.”
(c) “Without my phone, I’m completely cut off from the whole world.”
(d) “At break, Isabella and Julia are at our spot behind the portables.”

5. In which of the following does Angie compete?
(a) High jump.
(b) Pole vault.
(c) Triple jump.
(d) Long jump.

6. To which of the following are Shayla’s mother’s friends compared?
(a) Oprah.
(b) Rihanna.
(c) Beyoncé.
(d) Serena.

7. How many classes does Shayla have in one school day?
(a) 6.
(b) 8.
(c) 5.
(d) 7.

8. In which classroom does Shayla have English?
(a) 218.
(b) 42.
(c) 101.
(d) 365.

9. With which of the following does Chapter 13: "Facials" begin?
(a) “When Momma picks me up after practice, I tell her it was fine.”
(b) “Momma busts me before I make it out of the house in the morning.”
(c) “I know Daddy loves me as much as Hana.”
(d) “It’s late and I’m in bed, but I’m not having much luck getting to sleep.”

10. Which of the following does Shayla suspect she can out-sing?
(a) Maya.
(b) Angie.
(c) Natalie.
(d) Carmetta.

11. Which of the following is quoted in Shayla’s English class?
(a) Frederick Douglass.
(b) Nelson Mandela.
(c) James Baldwin.
(d) Barack Obama.

12. Which of the following does Shayla offer Isabella?
(a) Fries.
(b) Chips.
(c) Pretzels.
(d) Crackers.

13. With which of the following does Chapter 9: "Eyeballs" begin?
(a) “At lunch, Isabella, Julia, and I sit in our regular lunch spot.”
(b) “For the first time I wish we had to run the mile in PE.”
(c) “The next day in science, Mr. Levy gives us some free time.”
(d) “When we sit down for dinner that night, I wait until Daddy has a mouthful of steak.”

14. With which of the following does Chapter 5: "Lockers & Lunch" begin?
(a) “When we get home, I go straight to my room.”
(b) “I never knew metal had a smell, but it does.”
(c) “Momma likes to pick me up after the long line of cars in the drop-off / pick-up zone has cleared out.”
(d) “As soon as Ms. Jacobs releases us, I show my way down the crowded hallway to my locker.”

15. With which of the following does Chapter 35: "Sorry Sleepover" begin?
(a) “After fifth period, on my way to shop, I run right into Principal Trask.”
(b) “In the morning, I wake up before they do.”
(c) “When Momma picks me up after practice, I tell her it was fine.”
(d) “A slow song comes on and I think the long rope of intestines inside me is tying up into one huge knot.”

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Coach West assign to help Shayla with hurdles?

2. With which of the following does Chapter 21: "Clearing Hurdles" begin?

3. With which of the following does Chapter 23: "Black Panthers" begin?

4. What color are Shayla’s gym shorts?

5. With which of the following does Chapter 6: "Tuna & Metal" begin?

(see the answer keys)

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