When God Was a Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When God Was a Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Bible shows Moses being adopted by __________________ and given a name that is a frequent part of royal names.
(a) A shepherd
(b) A common couple
(c) A Pharaoh's daughter
(d) A priest

2. Faithful married women face the possibility of losing their husband's ________ and being sent out of his house.
(a) Attention
(b) Trust
(c) Money
(d) Favor

3. The Mesopotamian lamentation festival is connected with the __________ after the jubilation ceremonies of the sacred marriage.
(a) The Fertility Rites
(b) Christmaas
(c) All Souls Eve
(d) Feast of Booths

4. ____________, Adam's first wife, refuses to be sexually submissive and later becomes a demon in stories.
(a) Mary
(b) Eve
(c) Lilith
(d) Ruth

5. When Moses is done writing Yahweh's laws, he gives them to the ______ to place in the Ark of the Covenant.
(a) Hittities
(b) Egyptians
(c) Ethiopians
(d) Levites

6. Instead of the king being put to death, he is stripped and humiliated in public during the _____________.
(a) Celebration of the Harvest
(b) Mid Summer's Day Events
(c) All Souls Festival
(d) New Year Festival

7. After the division of the Hebrew states, Baal, the storm god, assimilates with the Goddess _____________.
(a) Isis
(b) Inanna
(c) Astarte
(d) Tammuz

8. What might happen if a man were to sleep with another woman after having slept with a Goddess?
(a) The Goddess would die
(b) The Goddess' powers could be transferred to someone else
(c) The man could die
(d) The woman would die

9. How many tribes are created when the Levites are preparing to invade Canaan, according to Stone?
(a) 2
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 10

10. In an Iranian tale, __________ is warned that people have sinned, so he should build a vara, or fortress to protect civlization.
(a) Yima
(b) Yarus
(c) Akhmed
(d) Rulith

11. Who were thought to have been dispossessed of Palestine by the Hebrews because of their abominations?
(a) Canaanites
(b) Hittites
(c) Christans
(d) Jews

12. Jeh is sexually defiled by the ___________ so she can defile all women who in turn defile all men, according to Stone.
(a) Devil
(b) Goddess
(c) Storm God
(d) Indras

13. Who sees a vision of a mysterious figure at the temple fate who tells of 'filthy things' going on inside?
(a) David
(b) Moses
(c) Solomon
(d) Ezekiel

14. The Hebrews retain little knowledge of the battle between ______________ and the serpent Leviathan, though it is preserved in the Psalms.
(a) Jesus
(b) Yahweh
(c) Paul
(d) Abraham

15. Who is the wild man of the woods in the story of Gilgamesh who appears and is extravagantly treated?
(a) Gilgamesh
(b) Enkidu
(c) Ishtar
(d) Attilla

Short Answer Questions

1. in around 1930 BCE, ancient customers justify military conquests and marrying the high priestess legitimizes __________ in the eyes of the people.

2. Sacred women are found in Sumerian texts. They esteem the Queen of ____ and she in turn protects them.

3. Who is Abraham's wife who ends up dying at some point of their marriage and who Abraham buries?

4. ____________ warns of famine, violence, and destruction for those who hold to the ways of the Goddess.

5. Yahweh may be derived from the Sanskrit meaning ____________, according to some scholars.

(see the answer keys)

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