When God Was a Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When God Was a Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. ____________ worship is described throughout the Middle East in the period of time of 3000 BCE.
(a) Sun
(b) Animal
(c) God
(d) Goddess

2. Myths that grow from a religion serving a female deity view ______________ differently from those created by male-oriented religions.
(a) Religion
(b) Manhood
(c) Womanhood
(d) Learning

3. The mountain-god ___________ rapes the Goddess' daughter Ninlil who is later said to be his wife, according to older documentation.
(a) Envil
(b) Enlil
(c) Indru
(d) Indana

4. The _____________ invasions weaken the matrilineal tradition and the Dorians make patrilineal succession normative.
(a) Roman
(b) Achaean
(c) Ethiopian
(d) Iranian

5. The Hebrew scriptures disguise ____________ as the male Ashtoreth and seek to discredit her, according to Stone.
(a) Lilith
(b) Isis
(c) Astarte
(d) Eve

6. It appears that the critical element is matrilineal descent of name and ___________ rather than women in power.
(a) Crops
(b) Lovers
(c) Paper
(d) Property

7. In Shuchinak, "Father of the ________" becomes "Father of the Gods" and later "Protector of the Gods of Heave and Earth."
(a) Patient
(b) Women
(c) Weak
(d) Children

8. As Indo-Aryan and Hoite princes and nobles seek to establish themselves, there is continual __________.
(a) Mass executions
(b) Warring
(c) Goddess desecration
(d) Nomadic disruption

9. Who is the weaker brother or husband to the Egyptian Goddess Isis?
(a) Menaleus
(b) Luxor
(c) Irison
(d) Osiris

10. Women lose ground in Mesopotamia as the _________ goddesses are relegated to the role of consorts to particular gods.
(a) Libyan
(b) Ethiopian
(c) Sumerian
(d) Egyptian

11. Various Hatti Goddesses survive the battle of the Hittites, and are known as the __________.
(a) Guild
(b) Group
(c) Throne
(d) Family

12. Stone's question is: What affect does worshiping a female deity and living in a _________ society have on women?
(a) Warring
(b) Peaceful
(c) Complicated
(d) Matriarchal

13. Indo-European deities are male and are mainly what kind of gods, blazing high in the mountains in fire or lightning?
(a) Storm
(b) Thunder
(c) Stone
(d) Tree

14. Egypt practices ___________ when they need to determine property and descent in the society.
(a) God structure
(b) Sibling-kinship
(c) Mother-kinship
(d) Goddess will

15. Neolithic art at Catal Huyuk, Hacilar, and Elam shows the _______ as subsidiary, according to Stone.
(a) Male
(b) Goddess
(c) Animal
(d) Female

Short Answer Questions

1. ___________ figures are everywhere: in fire sacrifices, astral bodies, lightning, skin color, and some of the gods - Brahma, Mithra, and Dyaus Pitar.

2. ___________ women cannot engage in business and are killed for losing their virginity before marriage, even if they were raped.

3. What is the name of the Indo-European group who live directly south of the Hittites in Cicilia?

4. The Mother Goddess provides life and a controllable ____________ to the people who believe in her.

5. Priestly scribes appear to write out of ____________ motive more than religious fervor about supreme male deities and the institution of kingship.

(see the answer keys)

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