The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Burt seemed to have increased his sample of patients from fewer then 20 to more than ________ in a number of publications. This irregularity began the undoing of his work's findings.

2. How many rules did Binet come up with in order to decrease the likelihood of his test being misused?

3. Members of the inferior group were always compared with ________ children.

4. The field of ________ sciences was redefined during the 19th century.

5. Eysenck noticed that the average ________ of whites exceeds that of blacks.

Short Essay Questions

1. What did E.D. Cope believe affected the value of a person and the determination of their inferiority?

2. What were the three facts upon which H.J. Eysenck based his theory of the inferiority of blacks?

3. What does Cesare Lombroso have to say about criminal behavior?

4. What does the factor analysis variable 'g' stand for?

5. What did Gould feel about Eysenck's arguments for black inferiority?

6. What did Louis Bolk have to say about whites and blacks?

7. What do correlations not imply in regards to the studies in which they are used?

8. How were Burt's papers and data related to his studies destroyed?

9. Define the idea of recapitulation.

10. What was Havelock Ellis' major claim in his study of the measurement of bodies in order to determine value?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

H.H. Goddard is a fascinating researcher in the field of intelligence measurement and heredity. His claim to fame is that he brought the Binet scale to America, but seems to have ignored the rules that went along with it.

Part 1: What are some of the categories Goddard used in order to rank individuals according to their intelligence?

Part 2: What are the similarities and the differences between these categories?

Part 3: What were the two errors Goddard encountered as he tried to develop a unilinear scale to measure intelligence?

Essay Topic 2

The concept of inferiority seems to be one early scientists were very eager to identify. In doing so, it seems, they could help society become stronger and more powerful.

Part 1: What seems to be the definition of inferiority as measured by the scientists in the studies Gould has shed light on?

Part 2: Why does inferiority need to be identified in any society? What are the benefits to this labeling?

Part 3: What are the negative effects of creating a group of people who are considered by scientists to be inferior to others?

Essay Topic 3

The idea that criminal behavior is hereditary is another idea that springs up during the introduction of evolution. The notion that criminal tendencies could spring up in the genes and then in the behaviors was widely accepted.

Part 1: Who was the main researcher of this idea of criminal behavior based on hereditary patterns?

Part 2: What were the weaknesses of this researcher's studies?

Part 3: What was the theory of atavism and what did it mean to society?

(see the answer keys)

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