The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mismeasure of Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Louis Bolk felt blacks were not totally ___________.
(a) useful
(b) necessary
(c) inept
(d) pointless

2. Gould thought that Eysenck's arguments were the result of __________ correlations.
(a) irrelevant
(b) impossible
(c) radical
(d) non causal

3. The general intellectual knowledge of the child was calculated by subtracting the ________ age from his true chronological age.
(a) school
(b) assumed
(c) head size
(d) mental

4. Negative correlation is given by vectors going in ____________ directions.
(a) opposite
(b) curved
(c) straight
(d) the same

5. Binet tried to devise a system of testing that would distinguish between the ____________ intelligence and the learned intelligence.
(a) male
(b) basic
(c) female
(d) natural

6. "s" was considered the product of _________ by both Spearman and Burt.
(a) understanding
(b) training
(c) opportunity
(d) imagination

7. Where did Alfred Binet study human intelligence and how to measure it?
(a) Harvard
(b) Sorbonne
(c) MIT
(d) Louvre

8. Factor analysis was the _________ technique to be used in intelligence testing, even thought Burt went about it the wrong way.
(a) easiest
(b) only
(c) worst
(d) best

9. What technique is explained in terms of geometry and matrix algebra?
(a) Calculus
(b) Trigonometry
(c) Factor analysis
(d) Advanced algebra

10. When Burt's sample increased, his correlation between pairs for IQ _________.
(a) increased
(b) decreased
(c) was scattered on the graphs
(d) remained unchanged

11. The German psychologist W. Stern argued that mental age should be ____________ by chronological age.
(a) added to
(b) multiplied
(c) subtracted
(d) divided

12. Spearman also found there is a _______ substrate for intelligence except that this can be affected by outside factors.
(a) physical
(b) imaginary
(c) concept
(d) mental

13. Binet was commissioned in 1904 to find a way to identify children who ______________.
(a) were bad at math
(b) were unteachable
(c) needed special help in school
(d) were autistic

14. Unlike Binet, Goddard used __________ to label and to categorize.
(a) colors
(b) shapes
(c) images
(d) labels

15. "[T]he child represents a ____________ adult ancestor."
(a) primitive
(b) unique
(c) comparable
(d) younger

Short Answer Questions

1. "An anatomical theory for ranking __________ - based on entire bodies, not only on heads, - had been found."

2. H.H. Goddard was the first to do what with Binet's test?

3. Cesare Lombroso thought that ____________ behavior is hereditary.

4. What was the nationality of H. J. Eysenck?

5. Gould felt that Eysenck's arguments are not based on ___________ facts.

(see the answer keys)

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