The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Guns of August Test | Final Test - Medium

Barbara W. Tuchman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the Allies retreated from the German advance, British casualties continued to grow, solidifying Sir John French’s desire to do what?
(a) Work in close concert with the French to find a path to victory.
(b) Give his boys a few weeks of rest.
(c) Bring his army out of the fight and out of France.
(d) Use his army to finish off the Germans once and for all.

2. The German Prince Rupprecht argued that what was the best way he could keep as many French troops as possible occupied?
(a) By attacking.
(b) By beating a hasty retreat.
(c) By opening negotiations.
(d) By defending.

3. Where were the two German corps that were supposed to be at the junction of Hausen and Bulow’s armies?
(a) They were on their way to unnecessarily reinforce the Eastern Front.
(b) They had fallen behind in the speed of the German advance.
(c) They had been given a few days of leave to catch their breath.
(d) They had been left behind as a garrison for Belgium.

4. Who dominated the British staff in the end of Chapter 14?
(a) Winston Churchill.
(b) Sir John French.
(c) Lord Kitchener.
(d) Henry Wilson.

5. While the German ships in Chapter 10 sailed through the night, dogged by a British ship, what did their inferior coal do?
(a) Polluted the air more than any other ship for a hundred miles around.
(b) Blotched the moonlit sky with black clouds.
(c) Burned clean because of the German’s superior engines.
(d) Caused a fire in the ship’s engines.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was asked to be the Governor of Paris and to direct its defense?

2. Though the Russian defeat at Tannenberg was terrible, what good did it accomplish for France?

3. What does Tuchman say “cast a long shadow upon the world” (137)?

4. In spite of reports of disaster and defeat, both Wilson and Joffre continued to plan on what strategy as Chapter 14 draws to a close?

5. Why did Brussels go “mad with excitement” in Chapter 11 (176)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the Allied leadership beginning to realize by the end of August 23?

2. What did Lanrezac see his Fifth army as left to do while the rest of the French army attacked according to Plan 17?

3. Why was Wavre in flames when Ludendorff drove by it, whereas just a day before it had been a peaceful town? Why is this important to the story?

4. What decision did Lanrezac make in Chapter 15 which he believed Joffre would disapprove of?

5. How many prisoners did the Germans capture at Tannenberg and how many trains were required to move them all?

6. Why did OHL offer to send Ludendorff three corps from the Western Front?

7. What did the two telegrams intercepted by German command in the beginning of Chapter 16 say, and what decision did it help the Germans make?

8. What was Joffre referring to when he said, “There is reason to await with confidence the development of operations” (230) at the end of Chapter 13?

9. Fed up with the German high command’s (called OHL throughout the book) unwillingness to give certain orders, how did Prince Rupprecht respond regarding his desire to attack the French?

10. What was the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) doing from August 6-10?

(see the answer keys)

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