The Great Influenza Test | Final Test - Medium

John M. Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Great Influenza Test | Final Test - Medium

John M. Barry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What ship that was once the pride of the German passenger fleet, had been confiscated by the U.S. undamaged during WWI?
(a) The Discovery.
(b) The Rose Water.
(c) The Republica Dominica.
(d) The Leviathan.

2. When did Teddy Roosevelt create the Great Lakes Naval Training Station?
(a) 1900.
(b) 1925.
(c) 1919.
(d) 1905.

3. How many people died in Philadelphia on October 1, 1918?
(a) 95.
(b) 117.
(c) 215.
(d) 11.

4. When did Provost Marshal Enoch Crowder issue his "work or fight" order?
(a) March 23, 1917.
(b) May 23, 1918.
(c) April 2, 1918.
(d) March 1, 1919.

5. How old was Anna Williams in 1918?
(a) 55.
(b) 48.
(c) 65.
(d) 42.

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom did Katherine Anne Porter work as a news reporter when the 1918 flu pandemic broke out?

2. How old was Emma Snyder when she died?

3. What sentence was socialist Eugene Debs given for opposing the war then the U.S. entered it?

4. Camp Grant was located along what river?

5. Who was the dierector of the Public Health Service's Hygenic Laboratory in 1918?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the Providence Journal report on the pandemic, according to the author in Chapter 29?

2. What were the results of Dr. W. R. Redden's serum trial?

3. How did the 1918 flu affect the human lungs?

4. Who was Richard Pfeiffer and why is his work noted in the book?

5. What did the outfall of the Liberty Loan Parade look like?

6. Who was Rupert Blue and why is he important in the narrative?

7. How did William Henry Welch respond when he became infected with the flu?

8. Who was Colonel Charles Hagadorn and how did he die?

9. What does "the grippe" refer to?

10. What happened to the soldiers that Colonel Charles Hagadorn had transported from Camp Grant to Camp Hancock?

(see the answer keys)

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