The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do the authors give the responsibility to concerning history at the end of the next saeculum?
(a) Politicians.
(b) Other countries.
(c) God.
(d) Americans.

2. Who do the authors imagine as a possible gray champion?
(a) George Bush.
(b) Rush Limbaugh.
(c) Al Gore.
(d) Bill Clinton.

3. According to the authors, how do Artists socially interact during Third Turnings?
(a) They discourage interaction with different classes.
(b) They prefer sensitivity and emotion.
(c) They dislike most people.
(d) They enjoy loud lifestyles with others.

4. What should Americans avoid "today" according to the authors?
(a) Gaining power.
(b) Being ideological.
(c) Creating controversy.
(d) Saving money.

5. Why should Americans avoid being ideological according to the authors?
(a) No ideology helps the future.
(b) Ideological ideas never succeed.
(c) Ideological ideas are against God.
(d) No ideology is above the seasons.

6. By 1984, what had Boomers realized according to the authors?
(a) They had indulged themselves.
(b) They needed to free their children.
(c) They needed to retire.
(d) They wanted to change their pasts.

7. By 1984, what were Americans cynical about according to the authors?
(a) Their backgrounds.
(b) Their construction methods.
(c) Their institutions.
(d) Their traveling habits.

8. Throughout the Unraveling, what does the Silent Generation prefer according to the authors?
(a) A yuppie lifestyle.
(b) Honesty and tradition.
(c) Quiet retreats.
(d) Loud parties.

9. According to the authors, what will 13er politicians do during the pre-crisis?
(a) Mediate conflicts.
(b) Spend out of budget.
(c) Create worthless laws.
(d) Make peace with other countries.

10. When was the spirit of America at its height according to the authors?
(a) The start of World War II.
(b) The start of the Vietnam conflict.
(c) The end of equal rights conflict.
(d) The end of World War II.

11. How do the authors suggest Americans prevent the Fourth Turning?
(a) Americans cannot prevent the Fourth Turning.
(b) Americans should engage in politics.
(c) Americans can rely on tradition.
(d) Americans should keep conflict to a minimum.

12. According to the authors, what do parents of Heroes do?
(a) Allow them to grow without traditional constraints.
(b) Discourage them from growing up and leaving home.
(c) Protect them against social conflict.
(d) Put them to work early in life.

13. In preparation for the Fourth Turning, what do the authors think Americans should do with institutions?
(a) Save them.
(b) Experiment with them.
(c) Throw money at them.
(d) Ignore them.

14. By 1984, what emerged as the culture debate according to the authors?
(a) The American Way of Life.
(b) The Most Influential Person.
(c) The Technological Advancement.
(d) The Best Television Program.

15. As the book closes, what do the authors emphasize that Americans should understand about time?
(a) God controls time.
(b) It is not linear.
(c) It is not cyclial.
(d) It never begins anew.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the authors argue that we should feel about the Fourth Turning?

2. When was the book published?

3. What do Artists do during a Second Turning according to the authors?

4. What brought out Americans' spiritual searching during the Second Turning according to the authors?

5. For what is the Fourth Turning an opportunity according to the authors?

(see the answer keys)

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