The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What major event do the authors think could the next cycle bring?
(a) Something small.
(b) Different monetary beliefs.
(c) Anything major.
(d) A new generation.

2. What will Boomers want to do during economic trouble according to the authors?
(a) Become frugal homebodies.
(b) Keep their children in line.
(c) Maintain their high-consuption life styles.
(d) Start community programs.

3. Throughout the Unraveling, what does the Silent Generation avoid according to the authors?
(a) The peace of children.
(b) Saving money.
(c) Following rules and laws.
(d) The humdrum of life.

4. According to the authors, what might happen if Americans weather our Fourth Turning well?
(a) Our futures will be controlled by others.
(b) Americans will be wealthy.
(c) Much of the world would follow.
(d) Much of the world will disown us.

5. What will the catalyst of the Fourth Turning trigger according to the authors?
(a) A return to the Third Turning.
(b) A keeping with tradition.
(c) A series of events that will lead into a new social order.
(d) A promise from younger generations.

6. In preparation, how do the authors think parents should raise children?
(a) With emotions disregarded.
(b) Without spoiling them.
(c) With extra care.
(d) Without coddling them.

7. For what is the Fourth Turning an opportunity according to the authors?
(a) To grow individual wealth.
(b) Victory and great deeds.
(c) Reflection and quietness.
(d) Power and individualism.

8. What type of activities should Americans participate in as the Fourth Turning approaches?
(a) Seasonal.
(b) Monetary.
(c) Community.
(d) Educational.

9. What will the pre-crisis years see in the Fourth Turning according to the authors?
(a) Struggles with Elders.
(b) Hope in new politicians.
(c) Disappearance of family values.
(d) Increasing distrust of the government.

10. How do the authors suggest Americans prevent the Fourth Turning?
(a) Americans cannot prevent the Fourth Turning.
(b) Americans should keep conflict to a minimum.
(c) Americans can rely on tradition.
(d) Americans should engage in politics.

11. When do the authors predict the resolution of the Fourth Turning might come?
(a) 2222.
(b) 1999.
(c) 2026.
(d) 2005.

12. What do the authors think extends a saeculum backward and a saeculum forward?
(a) Photo albums.
(b) Generations.
(c) Cultural memory.
(d) History books.

13. What brought out Americans' spiritual searching during the Second Turning according to the authors?
(a) Racial inequality.
(b) Opposition to the Nixon Administration.
(c) The Moon Landing and Woodstock.
(d) Both Kennedy brothers' deaths.

14. As the book closes, what do the authors emphasize that Americans should understand about time?
(a) It never begins anew.
(b) God controls time.
(c) It is not cyclial.
(d) It is not linear.

15. What should Americans avoid "today" according to the authors?
(a) Being ideological.
(b) Creating controversy.
(c) Gaining power.
(d) Saving money.

Short Answer Questions

1. If Americans miss opportunities for accomplishment, how do the authors say they are incorrectly viewing history?

2. What do Heroes do during a Fourth Turning according to the authors?

3. According to the authors, what did the 1929 Fourth Turning grow out of?

4. Who do the authors give the responsibility to concerning history at the end of the next saeculum?

5. According to the authors, how should Americans prepare for the next season, economically?

(see the answer keys)

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