Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Final Test - Hard

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Test | Final Test - Hard

David Eagleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Incentive: What happens to you upon death?

2. Absence: What do the angels look like in this afterlife?

3. Graveyard of the Gods: How many gods are in the afterlife?

4. Search: Why do the cells eventually disperse again?

5. Encore: How do the Creators try to create you in the afterlife?

Short Essay Questions

1. Impulse: In this afterlife people are the same as computer chips. What happened to people that was not anticipated by the Programmers who created them?

2. Prism: God decided to allow people to display different images of themselves in the afterlife. Much like light splitting through a prism. However, he soon discovered that this wouldn't work. Why not?

3. Search: What happens to the atoms in your system when you die?

4. Subjunctive: How is a person judged in this afterlife?

5. Incentive: Why do actors often resent their job?

6. Ineffable: In this afterlife everything dies. People die, plays die, furniture dies. However, what is unique about these things in the afterlife?

7. Reversal: What is the difference between your remembered life and your second life that causes grief for many when they live the second time?

8. Prism: What was God's biggest problem when he created this afterlife?

9. Narcissus: The afterlife in this story takes place in the center of the earth. In the afterlife, the Cartographers download the images that people took while they were alive. However, the Cartographers are disappointed by the images the humans take. Why?

10. Encore: In this afterlife the Creators try to recreate you in Heaven to be the same as you were on earth. Why has the afterlife really come into its own in the last hundred years?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1


At the end of this story the man behind the curtain tells the brave man that true bravery is measured by whether a person can face the absence of the Creator. How do you feel about this? How would you feel if you believed all your life there was a Creator and suddenly found out there wasn't? Would you be scared? Happy? Nervous? Why would you feel the way you do? How does facing this reality show that someone is brave?

Essay Topic 2

Descent of Species:

In this story your last coherent thought, before you become a horse, you realize that in another life you must have been an alien who wanted to be human.

1) Why do you (the main character) think this?

2) Do you (the reader) agree with the character's assumption? Why or why not?

3) Can you imagine a way that the horse (or bug or snake) could become human again? How would they do this?

Essay Topic 3


The Collectors have created human beings in an effort to understand why some things stick together. They study man to discover why some human relationships work while others fail. So far their experiment has been both costly and time consuming as they still are baffled by human relationships.

1) List the reasons in the story that people stay together in relationships.

2) List the reasons in the story that people break off relationships.

Pretend you are the Collector who must come to a final conclusion about human adhesion once and for all. What do you conclude is the reason man forms lasting relationships? Why do they form impermanent ones? Explain your answer using evidence the Collectors have in the story.

(see the answer keys)

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