Sister, Sister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sister, Sister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 15: Chapter 50-52.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What opens Chiquita's heart?
(a) A bunch of roses sent to her work.
(b) A bottle of wine.
(c) A set of keys to her lover's apartment.
(d) An invitation to a romantic weekend road trip.

2. Why won't Chiquita move to LA?
(a) She won't move for a man.
(b) Rent is too high.
(c) She won't find work there.
(d) There is too much crime.

3. How does Daniel find out that Valerie is married?
(a) She tells him so that he won't get too close.
(b) He touches her wedding ring while dancing.
(c) He works with Walter.
(d) Inda tells him out of jealousy.

4. Why do the men walk on the outside of the women?
(a) To act as windbreakers.
(b) To stop people from staring at them.
(c) To protect against cars.
(d) To prevent their handbags being stolen.

5. Which drink does Inda buy Valerie to congratulate her?
(a) Long Island Iced Tea.
(b) Screaming Orgasm.
(c) Vodka martini.
(d) Sex on the Beach.

Short Answer Questions

1. When do Valerie and Inda leave the beach?

2. Who is Tommy Williams?

3. What type of hat is Inda's father wearing?

4. What kind of ring does Chiquita want from her lover man?

5. What is meant by a girl lying for GP?

(see the answer key)

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