She Stoops to Conquer Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Stoops to Conquer Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Marlow and Hastings enter the Three Pigeons, Marlow is complaining about the distance they came. What does Hastings say?
(a) It was because he forgot his top hat and had to go back for it.
(b) It was because he would not stop and ask directions.
(c) It was because they had no roadmap to the Hardcastle estate.
(d) It was because a wheel broke on the carriage and they had to haul it to London.

2. Giving up on following Tony's directions, what does Marlow do?
(a) He suggests they return to London.
(b) He says they can sleep in the carriage.
(c) He tells Hastings that this is why he never stopped to ask directions.
(d) He asks the landlord for a room for the night.

3. What is Tony's composition he leads at the Three Pigeons?
(a) A raunchy limerick.
(b) A pledge of allegiance.
(c) An epic poem.
(d) A drinking song.

4. What names has Mr. Hardcastle been calling Tony for almost a year?
(a) Whelp and hound.
(b) Fat and sassy.
(c) Dumb and dirty.
(d) Pigeon lover and turkey neck.

5. How is the scene in the Three Pigeons a satire on sentimental comedy?
(a) The sentiments are only on drinking.
(b) The dialogue is high toned.
(c) The characters are all commoners and not genteel.
(d) The characters serve as a chorus as in Greek comedy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Anxious to be off, what does Marlow ask Tony?

2. What argument does the subject of age bring up between the Hardcastles?

3. What has Kate promised her father about her dress in the evenings?

4. When Mrs. Hardcastle tries to get Tony to say home one night, where is he planning to go?

5. What is Mr. Hardcastle's response to Mrs. Hardcastle's complaining that he only likes old things.

(see the answer key)

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