On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does King throw the story Carrie in the trash can?
(a) Because he is too busy to continue.
(b) Because he feels he doesn't know enough about the events that went on in a girl's locker room.
(c) Because he doesn't like the main character Carrie.
(d) Because his wife hates the story.

2. Whom does King meet while in college?
(a) His writing mentor.
(b) His future publisher.
(c) His future wife.
(d) His future agent.

3. How does King state he feels about writing for money?
(a) Everyone writes for money.
(b) One cannot write in anticipation of making money.
(c) Writing for money is unnecessary; it will come.
(d) Writing is art, and as such, it may not pay.

4. According to King, what is the second condition that, if readers cannot accept, should be a reason to stop reading his book?
(a) That the writing is drudgery.
(b) That fame and fortune are fleeting.
(c) That writing will probably not make a lot of money for the reader.
(d) That writing is a serious job with inexplicable aspects.

5. If a reader does not see an image the same way as the writer, how has the image changed?
(a) The image becomes more elaborated.
(b) The image doesn't change. It is the same image.
(c) The creative process changes the image to fit the story.
(d) As the reader reads about it, the details change.

6. What is King's overall opinion on details in writing?
(a) Supply all major details, but let the reader fill in the minor ones.
(b) Supply key details and a couple of minor ones for color.
(c) Only supply the minimum.
(d) Supply those the reader would never get on his own.

7. How many specific facts are provided by King about the entire image in the second chapter?
(a) Only two: the object and a number on its back.
(b) Four items and their location/relation to one another.
(c) An object, its color, and its number.
(d) Five.

8. When a writer sees an image in his/her head and writes it down, what is he accomplishing in regards to the reader?
(a) Enticing the reader to stay alert.
(b) Giving the image to the reader.
(c) Suggesting how to understand the author's thoughts.
(d) Demonstrating his prowess as an author who should be read.

9. What is the second specific item King states his book on writing will NOT be about?
(a) Vocabulary.
(b) Diction.
(c) Voice.
(d) Grammar.

10. Why does King describe the image in the second chapter the way he does?
(a) King believes the reader will see the image as he does anyway.
(b) To allow the reader to see the image in their own way.
(c) King wants to trick the reader into seeing a different image.
(d) So that the reader creates an image different from the one King describes.

11. What happens to Carrie when King sends it off to the publisher?
(a) King receives a check for $250.
(b) The publisher sells it for $2500.
(c) It sells, and he receives an advance of $2500.
(d) King receives a telegram saying the book needed revisions.

12. What does the second chapter open with King presenting to the reader?
(a) An injunction.
(b) A monologue.
(c) A piece of advice.
(d) An image.

13. .What is the first specific item King states his book on writing will NOT be about?
(a) Theme and plot.
(b) Writing exercises.
(c) Symbolism.
(d) Writing mechanics.

14. On one of their expeditions, King and his brother meet an unexpected enemy. What is this enemy?
(a) A black and white skunk.
(b) A bear.
(c) A snake.
(d) Poison ivy.

15. How can the book, On Writing, be described?
(a) Poignant, educated and inspiring.
(b) A masterpiece.
(c) Clever, formulistic, but inspiring.
(d) A poorly conceived hack job.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where on the animal is something unusual attached?

2. What is the third specific item King states his book on writing will NOT be?

3. In the chapter, C.V., King makes a discovery about writing. What is this discovery?

4. What is the name of the second chapter of this book?

5. Who is the character Carrie based on?

(see the answer keys)

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