On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With respect to vocabulary, King states that __________ does not matter:
(a) The beauty of a writer's vocabulary.
(b) The extent of a writer's vocabulary.
(c) Whether a writer's vocabulary is highly educated or simple.
(d) The cleverness of a writer's vocabulary.

2. Why does King take this position on adverbs?
(a) He feels adverbs do the thinking for the reader.
(b) He believes that by using adverbs, a writer won't stretch his imagination.
(c) He feels adverbs are a crutch for the writer.
(d) He wants to limit the words in his books.

3. What lesson does the experience with his uncle teach King?
(a) He learns the importance of having the right tool for the job.
(b) He learns to have the toolbox handy and ready for odd jobs around the house.
(c) He always remembers the advice and learned to be prepared.
(d) He learns to appreciate physical labor.

4. King gives the example of John Grisham as a writer. What does he say about Grisham?
(a) Grisham ignores the adage write what you know.
(b) Grisham became an excellent writer after researching courtroom drama.
(c) Grisham is a lawyer who wrote about his profession, though the situations in his novels were not realistic.
(d) Grisham is a highly skilled writer who wrote about realistic legal situations.

5. According to King, what is the most important tool for a writer?
(a) Lots of notes.
(b) An excellent computer.
(c) Vocabulary.
(d) Good typing skills.

Short Answer Questions

1. If used correctly, King believes that dialogue could be what object for a writer?

2. What does King say about adverbs?

3. What does King feel he will accomplish with his technique regarding description?

4. King claims he works on all of the following days except one. Which day does King not work?

5. Why does King's uncle carry the whole toolbox with him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think King stresses the importance of writing a lot in On Writing?

2. In the chapter, On Writing, King discusses symbolism and theme as elements best ignored in first drafts. What is the relationship between symbolism and theme in King's work?

3. King also said 'to not write in fear'. What do you think he means by this statement? Explain in your own words.

4. Why does King believe that adverbs, especially those ending in -ly are unnecessary?

5. How would you evaluate King's advice to aspiring writers in the chapters, What Writing Is, and Toolbox?

6. Explain King's beliefs on vocabulary.

7. In the chapter, On Writing, King says a writer can improve his work by reading. How does the advice given by King 'to read' improve a writer's work?

8. In the chapter, On Writing, King says characters should be multi-dimensional. What motive is there for trying to give all characters evil, as well as good, characteristics?

9. What are some of the most important aspects of grammar that an aspiring writer should observe according to King?

10. What evidence can you find to support King's claim that plot is less necessary than many would have the writer believe?

(see the answer keys)

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