Nicomachean Ethics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nicomachean Ethics Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From which of the following does Aristotle say the activities of thinking differ in kind?
(a) Virtues.
(b) Pains.
(c) Perceiving.
(d) Labors.

2. What virtue does Aristotle state is concerned with the same things, and is present in the same things, as friendship?
(a) Justice.
(b) Magnanimity.
(c) Fortitude.
(d) Temperance.

3. What person does Aristotle claim most notably feels love just in knowing a person, and not in receiving love returned?
(a) A spouse.
(b) A mother.
(c) A just ruler.
(d) A father.

4. By their intelligent deliberations, concerning what are those who have practical judgment distinguished from others, according to Aristotle's philosophical inquiry?
(a) Living well.
(b) Making money.
(c) Avoiding problems.
(d) Acquiring power.

5. Which of the following intellectual virtues does Aristotle say the incontinent person cannot have, at the beginning of VII.10?
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Intellect.
(c) Practical judgment.
(d) Art.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the powers of the soul that Aristotle claims is used to disclose truth is directed at the sources of truth?

2. With what virtue does Aristotle credit Eudoxus in X.2?

3. How many kinds of things does Aristotle say there are that must be avoided, having to do with one's character?

4. What do the natural sorts of active conditions of the human person need, by Aristotle's observations, in order to be used for the good?

5. As Aristotle says in X.3, according to some people, if pleasure is not classed among qualities, it is also not classed among what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What would it mean, for Aristotle, to describe a sort of friendship as being a hybrid?

2. Explain the distinction, and its significance, between Socrates and Aristotle on the relationship between knowledge and moral action.

3. What is the Aristotelian relationship between happiness, the gods, human beings, and animals, as discussed in X.8?

4. In what way, for Aristotle, do the pursuits of actions in accord with the virtues that pertain to politics and war differ from those that pertain to contemplation?

5. Explain Aristotle's distinction between affection and friendship.

6. Why is it difficult, in the opinion of Aristotle, for a person to have many close and virtuous friends?

7. For Aristotle, in what does the relationship between man's nature and his need for friends consist?

8. In what way does Aristotle agree with Socrates concerning knowledge and moral action?

9. Explain the three sorts of friendship described in Book VIII.

10. According to Aristotle, why ought a good person be a lover of himself and a bad person not?

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