Lean In Test | Final Test - Hard

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Final Test - Hard

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author states in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All” that in 2009, married middle-income parents worked about how many more hours per week than in 1979?

2. What Harvard Business School professor is cited in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” as answering the question of what men could do to advance women’s leadership with “the laundry”?

3. What Stanford professor is cited in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality” as having said, “We need to look out for one another, work together, and act more like a coalition”?

4. The author states in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner,” “According to the most recent analysis, when a husband and wife both are employed full-time, the mother does” what percent more child care than the father?

5. Who is the former secretary of state that is cited in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality” for having said, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what context does the author discuss Sabeen Virani in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”? Why did Sabeen Virani contact the author?

2. What website and organization does the author promote in the Afterword: “Let’s Keep Talking”?

3. What does Sandberg say often creates a double standard and compels women to leave the workplace in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?

4. What quote does the author cite from Gloria Steinem in the beginning of Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

5. Who is credited as approaching the gender gap well in his business dealings in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

6. How does Sandberg describe the hierarchal system at Facebook in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

7. What positive statistics does the author cite for women’s mentorship of women in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

8. How did Sheryl Sandberg respond when she was belittled upon meeting an admired politician in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

9. How does the author describe Dr. Laurie Glimcher’s approach to balancing career and family in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All”?

10. What study does the author cite in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” as an indication of the power a partner has in a woman’s career choices?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss some of the different stereotypes that apply to women and their impact on the female ego, propensity for achievement, and confidence. What negative stereotypes are frequently reinforced in our contemporary society? How are these stereotypes reinforced? What is “stereotype threat”?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the author’s anecdote about taking a course with her brother at Harvard from Chapter 2: “Sit at the Table.” In your own experiences, when have you encountered a similar situation? What does this example from the reading indicate about confidence between the sexes? How did your own situation play out? How did the author’s?

Essay Topic 3

Define “gatekeeping behaviors” and discuss how these types of behaviors serve as a disadvantage within the household dynamic. What are specific examples that you’ve seen of gatekeeping behaviors? Which have you personally engaged in? How does the author suggest one may best keep these behaviors at bay?

(see the answer keys)

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