Lean In Test | Final Test - Medium

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Final Test - Medium

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a quote from Gloria Steinem in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All,” who is described as “the adversary of the women’s movement”?
(a) Superwoman.
(b) Eve.
(c) Sigmund Freud.
(d) Mother Teresa.

2. What term does the author say emerged in the 1970s “to describe a woman who flourished in a leadership role, especially in male-dominated industries” and who also used her position to keep other female workers down?
(a) “Rich bitch.”
(b) “Queen bee.”
(c) “Wolf.”
(d) “Feminazi.”

3. Who is quoted in the final chapter as having said, “Our job is not to make young women grateful. It is to make them ungrateful so they keep going”?
(a) Susan B. Anthony.
(b) Marlo Thomas.
(c) Rosalind Einhorn.
(d) Emily White.

4. Who was the secretary of the Treasury when Sheryl Sandberg began working there in 1996?
(a) Kash Rangan.
(b) Robert Rubin.
(c) Mary Sue Coleman.
(d) Omid Kordestani.

5. What kind of presentations does Sheryl Sandberg say she banned at Facebook meetings in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?
(a) Sales presentations.
(b) PowerPoint presentations.
(c) Development presentations.
(d) Oral presentations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What comic autobiography does the author cite by Tina Fey in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All”?

2. In Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave,” the author describes what individual that was “finishing up at Stanford’s Institute of Design when she was offered the chance to start a company at the same time that she learned she was pregnant”?

3. What nonprofit to prevent noise-induced hearing loss in young people did Sheryl Sandberg’s mother found?

4. In Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner,” the author cites a 2009 study which found that what percentage of people “in dual-earner marriages said that they shared housework, child care, and breadwinning evenly”?

5. The author states in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth” that truth is better served by using what kind of language?

Short Essay Questions

1. What quote does the author cite from Gloria Steinem in the beginning of Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

2. How did Elise Scheck describe her experiences during pregnancy, according to the author in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave”?

3. What anecdote does the author open with in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave”?

4. How does Sandberg describe the hierarchal system at Facebook in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

5. Who does the author praise for embracing emotion in the workplace in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

6. How does the author describe Dr. Laurie Glimcher’s approach to balancing career and family in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All”?

7. What lesson does the author say she learned from her correspondence with Ray Kelly in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

8. How does the author describe the term “queen bee” in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

9. What statistics does Sandberg point to regarding marriage and women in power in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?

10. How did Sheryl Sandberg respond when she was belittled upon meeting an admired politician in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

(see the answer keys)

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