Lean In Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All,” the author describes going to a business conference with her children and taking the eBay plane. What did her daughter contract during this trip?
(a) Lice.
(b) The flu.
(c) Bronchitis.
(d) Asthma.

2. A blogger for what magazine compared Sheryl Sandberg to Kim Polese, according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?
(a) The New Yorker.
(b) Time.
(c) Fortune 500.
(d) Forbes.

3. What percentage of employed mothers lack sick days and vacation leave, according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?
(a) 75%.
(b) 40%.
(c) 25%.
(d) 55%.

4. What magazine did Barnard president Debora Spar write to in 2012 discussing successful women and guilt, according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?
(a) The Atlantic.
(b) The New Yorker.
(c) Time.
(d) San Francisco.

5. After a year or more of commuting between L.A. and the Bay Area, Sheryl Sandberg’s husband eventually left Yahoo and took a position as the CEO of what company, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?
(a) Facebook.
(b) SurveyMonkey.
(c) Google.
(d) Friendster.

6. After giving her TEDTalk, Sheryl Sandberg received numerous letters from women who were inspired by it. One of her favorites that she discusses in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It” came from what consultant in Dubai?
(a) Shankar Vedantam.
(b) Padmasree Warrior.
(c) Sabeen Virani.
(d) Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.

7. Who famously “and foolishly refused to work with—or even to shake hands with—Gloria Steinem,” according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?
(a) Madeleine Albright.
(b) Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.
(c) Betty Friedan.
(d) Rosalind Einhorn.

8. What “legendary Massachusetts representative” was the Speaker of the House at the time that Sheryl Sandberg worked as a page for her hometown congressman in D.C. between junior and senior year of high school?
(a) Tip O’Neill.
(b) Frank Flynn.
(c) Bob Steel.
(d) Don Graham.

9. What Stanford professor is cited in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality” as having said, “We need to look out for one another, work together, and act more like a coalition”?
(a) Deborah Gruenfeld.
(b) Rosalind Einhorn.
(c) Judith Rodin.
(d) Cameron Anderson.

10. In what year was Sheryl Sandberg named the Treasury Department’s chief of staff?
(a) 1999.
(b) 1992.
(c) 2002.
(d) 2001.

11. “Of the twenty-eight women who have served as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies,” how many were married, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?
(a) 16.
(b) 19.
(c) 27.
(d) 26.

12. In a quote from Gloria Steinem in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All,” who is described as “the adversary of the women’s movement”?
(a) Eve.
(b) Sigmund Freud.
(c) Mother Teresa.
(d) Superwoman.

13. The author states in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth” that truth is better served by using what kind of language?
(a) Affectionate language.
(b) Eloquent language.
(c) Belittling language.
(d) Simple language.

14. In what year did Sheryl Sandberg earn her M.B.A. from Harvard Business School?
(a) 1991.
(b) 1997.
(c) 1999.
(d) 1995.

15. The author states in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner,” “According to the most recent analysis, when a husband and wife both are employed full-time, the mother does” what percent more child care than the father?
(a) 20% more.
(b) 30% more.
(c) 40% more.
(d) 60% more.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the author in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave,” what percentage of mothers whose husband’s earnings landed in the middle percentiles were out of the labor force in 2006?

2. According to the author in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner,” how many states in the U.S. provide any income replacement for the care of a new baby?

3. What American physicist and astronaut became the first American woman in space in 1983?

4. The author says in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” that her husband Dave taught her how to change a diaper when their first son was how old?

5. Who is the CEO of American Express that the author says acknowledges sexism and bias in his meetings, according to the author in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

(see the answer keys)

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