History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the time of the Athenian fortification of Pylos, what is happening in Corcyra?
(a) Famine is causing widespread starvation.
(b) Persia is negotiating with Corcyra.
(c) Corcyra is rebuilding its defenses.
(d) There is an earthquake in Corcyra.

2. What does Cleon do at Sphacteria?
(a) He sends Demosthenes to finish the job.
(b) He recalls the army because it was hopeless.
(c) He brings in Barbarian mercenaries to finish the job.
(d) He takes command and drives the attack to successful conclusion.

3. What is Athens doing toward the end of the 526 BC campaign?
(a) Athens is adding to its already sizable fleet.
(b) Athens is sending out envoys to even more surrounding states.
(c) Athens is reenforcing its position in Attica.
(d) Much of the latter campaign season is consumed by Athenian attacks upon Aetolia.

4. After the war begins, what diplomatic success does Athens have?
(a) Gaining a neutrality pact from Persia.
(b) Making a peace deal with Corinth.
(c) Athens concludes alliances with Odrysian, Thrace, and Macedonia .
(d) Athens successfully launches an anti-Spartan publicity attack.

5. From Thucydides' analysis, who of the Mytilene population actually wants to break away from the Delian League?
(a) The commoners of Lesbos
(b) The would-be generals
(c) The upper classes
(d) The shipbuilders

6. What are the most far reaching of the participants in the Peloponnesian War?
(a) Persia, Italy and Sicily, and the Aegean seas and islands
(b) Germany and Austria
(c) The Galapogas Islands
(d) Egypt and Spain

7. What is the general title given to the first twenty-three paragraphs of Book One?
(a) The Preamble
(b) The Introduction
(c) The Apology
(d) The Archaelogy

8. What does the Spartan declaration of war against the Helots allow?
(a) The legal means to take away the Helots' weaponry.
(b) It is only an exercise in legal maneurving.
(c) The killing of Helots by Spartan citizens without legal implication.
(d) The confiscation of Helot children.

9. Book One concludes in the winter before hostilities erupt. What date is given by modern scholars for this time?
(a) 421/420 BC
(b) 410/409 BC
(c) 432/431 BC
(d) 398/397 BC

10. What is detailed in Book Two?
(a) The beginning history of the Peloponesian War
(b) A complex layout of the geography of the day
(c) The biographies of important individuals ca. 421 BC
(d) The formula Thucydides uses for writing the remainer of the history

11. What conflict in the region occurs outside of Athens' political control?
(a) Corinth and Corcyra form a military alliance.
(b) Cyprus begins to emerge as a military force.
(c) Persia and Egypt sign treaties of cooperation.
(d) In 435 BC, Corinth and Corcyra engage in military hostilities; both enjoy some successes but Corcyra appears to gain the advantage.

12. Where is is the Peloponnesus itself?
(a) The Southern tip of Greece
(b) On the Northwestern coast of Greece
(c) In the Cyclades
(d) Just North of Attica

13. What is Thucydides' conclusion about the ravages of the war?
(a) It is dehumanizing.
(b) It is something to be glorified.
(c) It is misrepresented on both sides.
(d) It is tempered on both sides by benevolence.

14. How is the Delian League founded?
(a) By the wide spread acceptance of Plato's Republic.
(b) By a convention of city-states seeking protection from Persia.
(c) By the military force of Athens at the time.
(d) Through a series of political treaties binding most Greek cities-states to Athens.

15. At the time Athens is gaining control in Lesbos, what is happening in Plataea?
(a) Plataea finally capitulates and the Spartans execute all of the surviving forces.
(b) Plataea is defeated by an Athenian attack.
(c) Plataea holds off the Spartans until Athenian forces arrive.
(d) Plataea declares itself neutral.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the Spartan forces give up the Attica offensive, what does Athens continue to do?

2. Who is the first Athenian to suggest fortifying Pylos?

3. When the annual siege of Attica begins in 427 BC, what naval move does Sparta make?

4. What composes what Thucydides calls Western Hellas?

5. What event in ca 479 BC gives rise to a period of prominence in Athens?

(see the answer keys)

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