God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Job choose over God?
(a) Love.
(b) Revenge.
(c) Justice.
(d) Money.

2. Why does the Tanakh begin with its climax and descend from there?
(a) God is excited about his creation and grows more and more disinterested as time goes by.
(b) This is the traditional middle eastern form of story telling.
(c) Confidence at the time of creation seems to blind God to the consequences of his actions, and he grows quieter the better he comes to understand the course of history.
(d) The Jews want to capture the attention of the reader, so by placing the climax at the beginning, it attracts and keeps the reader's attention.

3. What else does the God of Heaven want to be?
(a) The God of Earth.
(b) The Father of man.
(c) The God of the Sea.
(d) The Wife of Israel.

4. Why is God's two-part speech to Job significant?
(a) God apologizes for his actions.
(b) God submits to Job.
(c) These are the last words he speaks in the Tanakh.
(d) He and Job come to an agreement at the end.

5. What is a mistake God will not repeat?
(a) Anger towards his people.
(b) Creating humankind.
(c) Prophecy.
(d) Arguing with Job.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is God allowing himself to be transformed in Isaiah?

2. In what Book is God never mentioned, and the Jews' religion is not even a secondary feature of their identity?

3. What part of God is impulsive?

4. Who is a Jewish orphan who later marries Ahasuerus, the king of Persia?

5. Why does Elizabethan society read the Bible more than it did the Greeks' writing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is the Tanakh a tragedy?

2. Why are Job's speeches NOT subversive?

3. What is the gist of Proverbs?

4. Why is the Book of Job a favorite in literary circles and with skeptics?

5. Prior to Second Isaiah does God feel joy? Explain.

6. Why is it confusing that the prophets contradict one another?

7. Why is the Tanakh closer in spirit to "Hamlet," rather than "Oedipus Rex?"

8. Why does God need the prophets?

9. With whom does Haggai deal?

10. How did Song of Songs, which is a secular cycle of poems about young lovers, enter the Hebrew canon?

(see the answer keys)

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