God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Since Job does not repent for offenses he did not commit, who must repent?
(a) God.
(b) Satan.
(c) His friends.
(d) Job will still repent because that is God's wish.

2. How will prophecy be examined in this book?
(a) As the self-characterization of God in a non-narrative form.
(b) As the aspects of God in narrative form.
(c) As an explanation of the origins of God.
(d) As the historical evidence of God in narrative form.

3. What is there a sense of in Psalms?
(a) Distrust and sadness among the Israelites.
(b) Israel is tired of their God and wanting a savior.
(c) Remorse.
(d) A growing sense that Israel is bravely and patiently waiting for God to resume his leading role.

4. Why is Israel a big loser?
(a) They never are in power.
(b) They do not want God to remain silent.
(c) They push God away.
(d) They no longer have a God.

5. Why might monotheism have spread 500 years before Christianity?
(a) If Ezra had not demanded the remnant of the Jews to divorce their non-Jewish wives and expel their children.
(b) If Ezra had insisted the Jews marry into other cultures.
(c) If the Jews had not died out.
(d) If the Jews had kept their faith in God.

6. After the Babylonians are defeated by the Persians, what do the Judeans begin to be called?
(a) Judes.
(b) Israelites.
(c) Jews.
(d) Persians.

7. What have skeptics found in the Book of Job?
(a) Reason to understand the Judeo-Christian tradition.
(b) Reason fear the Judeo-Christian tradition.
(c) Reason for repudiating the Judeo-Christian tradition.
(d) Reason to have faith in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

8. What effect does God's decision to take the bet have on Job?
(a) Job loses his wife.
(b) Job dies.
(c) Job becomes wealthy.
(d) Job loses everyone dear to him.

9. What need not always be an element in either Jewish identity or Jewish self-defense?
(a) Adhering to the Ten Commandments.
(b) Belief in the creation story.
(c) The clothing requirements decreed by God.
(d) Fidelity to the Jewish religion.

10. What messages frequently contradict one another?
(a) The Sermon on the Mount messages.
(b) The Flood messages.
(c) The Creation messages.
(d) The prophetic messages.

11. How can God's "steadfast love" be translated?
(a) A fierce mutual loyalty between liege and vassal.
(b) Steady love.
(c) Fatherly love.
(d) Strong love.

12. What celebration marks this event?
(a) Christmas.
(b) The two-day feast of Purim.
(c) Rashashana.
(d) The holy day of Passover.

13. Who are the three major prophets?
(a) Edward, Ishmael, Jesse.
(b) Isaac, Joseph, Mark.
(c) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel.
(d) John, Jesus, Jacob.

14. Who tempts Yah to impose great suffering on Job?
(a) Sab.
(b) Eloh.
(c) Mot.
(d) Sherah.

15. How is his presence different in Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and Psalms?
(a) He reappears.
(b) He leads his flock to heaven.
(c) God becomes a present absence, quite gone and missed.
(d) He reappears but is silent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do these contradictions reveal?

2. Who has God come to prefer?

3. What happens to most of the men in the Book of Ruth?

4. How are the two dream interpreters, Daniel and Joseph, different?

5. How is God the loser in the Book of Job?

(see the answer keys)

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