God: A Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God: A Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does God do as he creates the world and populates it with animals in five days?
(a) He decides what animals to create.
(b) He talks to himself.
(c) He ponders what to make.
(d) He talks to the angels.

2. What does war do to God?
(a) It makes him evil.
(b) It makes him a better father.
(c) It makes him sad.
(d) It permanently transforms him.

3. Although God is supremely confident, what does he not seem to do?
(a) Ask humankind for repentance.
(b) Ask humankind to praise him.
(c) Change his opinion on how to deal with humankind.
(d) Plan ahead.

4. What do both Jews and Christians concede without blasphemy?
(a) The Bible is full of fictional tales.
(b) Both Judaism and Christianity are the true religions.
(c) All religions are equal and true.
(d) The Bible may be appreciated as literature.

5. What is the Tanakh's one God's two strikingly distinct personalities?
(a) Elohim and Yahweh.
(b) Jacob and Joseph.
(c) Abram and Isaac.
(d) Elijah and Matthew.

6. Why should God fall in love with David?
(a) David is sweet.
(b) David is handsome.
(c) Everyone else hates David.
(d) Everyone else does.

7. Who and what does this book reference?
(a) Cervantes, Neil Simon, Oscar Wilde, the Qu'ran, and music.
(b) Cervantes, Joan of Arc, the Arc of the Convenant, and art.
(c) Neil Simon, Oscar Wilde, Louisa May Alcott, Buddhism, and art.
(d) Peter Voulkos, Jon Balestreri, the Sacred Scrolls, and music.

8. How does God identify himself to Moses?
(a) As the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
(b) As the God of Man.
(c) As a whirlwind.
(d) As a burning bush.

9. At the end of which character's spectacularly successful career does he deliver his final speech in Shechem, and Israel responds at a pitch of enthusiasm never again reached?
(a) Isaiah.
(b) Joseph.
(c) Joshua.
(d) Jesus.

10. How does God create a male?
(a) From a rib.
(b) From the sea.
(c) From the sky.
(d) From dust.

11. What are the three aspects of divine self-discovery?
(a) The "god," "leader," and "interpreter" identities.
(b) The "father," "lover," and "friend" identities.
(c) The "feared," "ferocious," and "fury" identities.
(d) The "liberator," "friend of the family," and "lawgiver" identities.

12. How is God's interaction with Moses different from that with Abraham?
(a) He refrains from intervening in Abraham's war but will use his might to assist Moses againt Pharaoh.
(b) He is more of a father figure to Moses.
(c) He less involved in Moses' life than Abraham's.
(d) He is kinder to Moses than Abraham.

13. After the man and woman are punished, what perpetual punishments are hard and painful?
(a) Raising children and housework.
(b) Exercising and working.
(c) Childbearing and earning a living.
(d) Cleaning and cooking.

14. Why do the Jew leave the text where it is?
(a) They adopt the codex as a way of preserving the contents of their ancient scrolls.
(b) God asks to have the order kept in its original form.
(c) It is the true order and should not be changed.
(d) For dramatic effect.

15. Although many Westerners have lost belief in God, what continues to set them apart from other cultures?
(a) The religiocultural legacy.
(b) The Puritan work ethic.
(c) Humanitarianism.
(d) They speak English.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what acronym is "Tanakh?"

2. To what literary character does the author compare God?

3. In the books of Kings what traits come to the fore?

4. What does God not do as he is creating the world and animals?

5. What is understood and not concealed about God?

(see the answer keys)

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