Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can Mephistopheles not do for Gretchen in "A Gloomy Day?"
(a) Bring her mother back to life.
(b) Restore her virginity.
(c) Set her free from prison.
(d) Absolve her of her sins.

2. Initially, what is the only thing Gretchen recognizes as Faust when he is in her prison cell?
(a) His hands.
(b) His eyes.
(c) His lips.
(d) His voice.

3. What does the voice at the end of "Faust" proclaim?
(a) Gretchen is redeemed.
(b) Gretchen will sit in Purgatory forever.
(c) Gretchen will go to Hell.
(d) Gretchen has dishonored herself forever.

4. Who is Valentine?
(a) Gretchen's father.
(b) Gretchen's fiance.
(c) Gretchen's cousin.
(d) Gretchen's brother.

5. What does Faust give Gretchen at the end of "Martha's Garden"?
(a) A ring.
(b) A book of philosophy.
(c) A sleeping potion.
(d) A flower.

6. According to Lieschen, how did Barbara spend her evenings and nights?
(a) Dancing in the woods.
(b) Praying.
(c) With her mother.
(d) With men.

7. Who is singing in the church?
(a) The priest.
(b) The choir.
(c) Mephistopheles.
(d) The altarboys.

8. Where does Mephistopheles urge Faust to go at the end of "A Forest Cavern"?
(a) Church.
(b) Home.
(c) Martha's garden.
(d) Gretchen's bed.

9. During "Martha's Garden," what does Gretchen discuss with Faust?
(a) Her relationship with God.
(b) Her relationship to her mother.
(c) His relationship with Mephistopheles.
(d) His relationship to his priest.

10. Why does Mephistopheles come to Gretchen's cell at the end of the play?
(a) He is there to kill Gretchen.
(b) He is warning Faust that he will be caught if he does not leave.
(c) He is hiding from a witch.
(d) He removes his contract from Faust.

11. In "Open Country, Night," where do the witches perform their ritual?
(a) The woods.
(b) The prison.
(c) The gallows.
(d) Faust's study.

12. What does Gretchen believe about Mephistopheles?
(a) He is Faust's brother.
(b) He needs to go with her to church.
(c) He is a bad influence on Faust.
(d) He is a wandering soldier.

13. What does Mephistopheles proclaim to be Gretchen's fate at the end of the play?
(a) She will live her days out in a madhouse.
(b) She will commit suicide.
(c) She will become a martyr for women everywhere.
(d) She is doomed.

14. What does Mephistopheles suggest about Faust's vows of love to Gretchen in "A Street"?
(a) He will be sincere.
(b) He will be manipulating Gretchen into doing the same.
(c) He will be lying.
(d) He will be blaspheming.

15. What does Martha warn Mephistopheles about while Gretchen and Faust speak?
(a) She warns him to not die a bachelor.
(b) She warns him that Faust better not hurt Gretchen.
(c) She warns him that he will be unhappy in their town.
(d) She warns him that Gretchen is on the brink of joining a nunnery.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of the item Faust gives Gretchen at the end of "Martha's Garden"?

2. What purpose does "A Walpurgis's Night Dream" serve in this play?

3. In musical terms, what is the scene "A Walpurgis's Night Dream" called in the text?

4. Which mountains do Faust and Mephistopheles travel to in "Walpurgis Night"?

5. What has worsened Barbara's plight, according to Lieschen?

(see the answer keys)

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