Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the song about in "A Cathedral"?
(a) God punishing the wicked.
(b) Jesus healing the sick.
(c) Jesus raising the dead.
(d) God forgiving the wicked.

2. What is Faust unable to convince Gretchen to do in "A Prison"?
(a) Forgive herself.
(b) Forgive him.
(c) Escape with him.
(d) Renounce God.

3. What is Gretchen's secret?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) She killed her mother on purpose.
(c) She is dying.
(d) She is glad that Valentine is dead.

4. What does Faust discover from Gretchen when he tries to help her escape from prison?
(a) She killed their baby.
(b) She meant to murder her mother.
(c) She killed her priest.
(d) She attempted suicide.

5. Which Biblical character is apparently present on Walpurgis Night?
(a) Leah.
(b) Pontius Pilate.
(c) Herod.
(d) Lilith.

6. What does Mephistopheles suggest about Faust's vows of love to Gretchen in "A Street"?
(a) He will be blaspheming.
(b) He will be lying.
(c) He will be sincere.
(d) He will be manipulating Gretchen into doing the same.

7. In what language is the song heard during "A Cathedral"?
(a) French.
(b) English.
(c) Latin.
(d) German.

8. Why does Valentine duel Mephistopheles and Faust?
(a) Faust insulted him.
(b) Mephistopheles cast a spell on Valentine to manipulate him into a duel.
(c) He is protecting Gretchen's honor.
(d) He thinks Faust raped Gretchen.

9. What does Faust attempt to bring Gretchen during "The Street Outside Gretchen's Door"?
(a) A flower.
(b) A necklace.
(c) A ring.
(d) A bottle of wine.

10. What does Gretchen initially believe about Faust when he comes into her cell?
(a) He is there to rape her.
(b) He is the devil.
(c) He is a guard taking her to the gallows.
(d) He is a priest coming to administer her Last Rites.

11. According to Musaget, what is easier to "govern than the Muses"?
(a) Witches.
(b) The ocean waves.
(c) Animals.
(d) Priests.

12. What does Faust give Gretchen at the end of "Martha's Garden"?
(a) A flower.
(b) A sleeping potion.
(c) A ring.
(d) A book of philosophy.

13. Which of the following is not a character in "A Walpurgis Night's Dream"?
(a) The idealist.
(b) The dogmatist.
(c) The futurist.
(d) The realist.

14. How does "A Cathedral" end?
(a) Gretchen dies.
(b) Gretchen faints.
(c) Gretchen attempts suicide.
(d) Gretchen renounces God.

15. What must Faust promise in order to get Gretchen to accept and use the item he gives her in "Martha's Garden"?
(a) He will marry her one day soon.
(b) If the flower convinces her that he loves her, he will take her on a trip.
(c) The potion is safe to use on her mother.
(d) He will attend church with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gretchen say she no longer has in "A Prison"?

2. What does Valentine admit to Gretchen before he dies?

3. While dancing with the young one in "Walpurgis Night," what vision does Faust claim to have had?

4. What reason does Martha cite for not inviting Mephistopheles to stay longer with her at the end of "A Garden"?

5. Why does Faust fear Mephistopheles's influence over his happiness with Gretchen in "A Cavern"?

(see the answer keys)

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