Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Mephistopheles and Faust contemplating at the end of "A Street"?
(a) The girl's name.
(b) The affect the girl's saintly disposition has on Mephistopheles.
(c) Gifts for the girl.
(d) The effects of the witch's potion.

2. What does the clown profess to wanting for this play during "Prelude on the Stage"?
(a) He wants to create a grand piece of art.
(b) He wants to be seen by the director of a better theater.
(c) He wants to entertain the audience.
(d) He wants to play the lead.

3. What does Wagner interrupt when he comes to see Faust in "Night?"
(a) Faust is preparing to commit suicide.
(b) Faust is writing a letter to God.
(c) Faust is counting his money.
(d) Faust is conjuring up a spirit.

4. Why is Faust unhappy with his life's work?
(a) He no longer believes in his work.
(b) He is neither wealthy or famous.
(c) He never wanted to be a scholar.
(d) He feels slighted by the academic community.

5. Where does "Outside the Town Wall" take place?
(a) The church.
(b) The river.
(c) The forest.
(d) The countryside.

6. Why does the witch burn herself on her cauldron?
(a) She drops her book in the cauldron and has to fetch it.
(b) She forgets that she is warming up the cauldron.
(c) She falls into the fire.
(d) The baboon lets it boil over.

7. How does Mephistopheles give Martha contradicting statements about her husband in "The Neighbor's House"?
(a) He tells her that her husband is dead and then alive.
(b) He hints at different times that her husband loved her or did not love her.
(c) He tells her that her husband was a homosexual, but probably not.
(d) He tells her that her husband was a great man and a despicable man.

8. What news does Mephistopheles give Martha in her first scene?
(a) Her husband has joined the militia.
(b) Her husband is in jail.
(c) Her husband is dead.
(d) Her husband is on his way home.

9. Where does "Night" take place?
(a) Faust's kitchen.
(b) Faust's bedroom.
(c) Faust's study.
(d) Faust's private chapel.

10. Where does Mephistopheles leave the box of jewelry for Gretchen before he and Faust leave her room?
(a) On her pillow.
(b) By the window.
(c) Her cabinet.
(d) Under her bed.

11. For what are the archangels praising God in the beginning of the play?
(a) The beauty of His work.
(b) His compassion.
(c) The grandeur of His presence.
(d) His knowledge.

12. What is Faust's method of suicide when he contemplates ending his life?
(a) Gunshot to the head.
(b) Poison.
(c) Self-immolation.
(d) Dagger to the heart.

13. What does Faust believe about the girl he sees the image of at the witch's house?
(a) She is his daughter.
(b) She is the reincaration of his late wife.
(c) She will save his soul.
(d) She holds paradise in her body.

14. When Gretchen re-enters her room in "Evening," how does she begin to feel?
(a) Uneasy.
(b) Refreshed.
(c) Joyful.
(d) Angry.

15. What does Mephistopheles posit to God in relation to Faust?
(a) He can steal Faust's knowledge.
(b) He can manipulate Faust into suicide.
(c) He can draw Faust away from God.
(d) He can guide Faust into sainthood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Faust admit to Mephistopheles in the second "Faust's Study"?

2. Why is Mephistopheles unable to leave Faust's study after appearing to the man?

3. What does God believe will happen if Mephistopheles meets Faust?

4. What does Martha advise Gretchen to do with the second box of jewelry that was mysteriously left for her?

5. What does Wagner mistakenly believe about the noises he hears from Faust in "Night"?

(see the answer keys)

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