Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Faust heavily doubting in "Night"?
(a) His intelligence.
(b) His sanity.
(c) His will to live.
(d) His relationship with God.

2. In the scene after he drinks the potion to appear younger, where does Faust see the girl he saw a vision of at the witch's kitchen?
(a) A dressmaker's shop.
(b) Church.
(c) His sister's house.
(d) The street.

3. In regards to their bargain, what does Faust make Mephistopheles agree to before signing the pledge?
(a) Mephistopheles must appear as an animal.
(b) Mephistopheles must allow Faust to become younger.
(c) Mephistopheles must pray with him every day.
(d) Mephistopheles must bring Faust pleasure in life.

4. What does Martha advise Gretchen to do with the second box of jewelry that was mysteriously left for her?
(a) Gretchen should give it to the priest again.
(b) She is advised to not show her mother this time.
(c) Martha will sell it for her, and they will split the money.
(d) She will keep it at Martha's house.

5. How does Mephistopheles give Martha contradicting statements about her husband in "The Neighbor's House"?
(a) He tells her that her husband was a great man and a despicable man.
(b) He hints at different times that her husband loved her or did not love her.
(c) He tells her that her husband was a homosexual, but probably not.
(d) He tells her that her husband is dead and then alive.

6. What does Faust admit to Mephistopheles in the second "Faust's Study"?
(a) He lusts after a village girl.
(b) He is comfortable with Mephistopheles in his life.
(c) He resents God.
(d) He is unhappy with life.

7. In "Dedication," what does the author ultimately decide is more important than fame?
(a) Spiritual fulfillment.
(b) Wealth.
(c) The memories of his loved ones.
(d) Political activism.

8. What does Mephistopheles give all the men in the tavern?
(a) Dried meat.
(b) Drinks he conjured up.
(c) Gold coins.
(d) Herbs that he claims will promote vigor.

9. What does Mephistopheles advise Martha to do in terms of grieving her husband?
(a) He tells her that she deserves to move on immediately.
(b) He tells her to grieve for the appropriate time and then find a new husband.
(c) He tells her to grieve for him for the rest of her life.
(d) He tells her that God will punish her if she ever speaks a word against her husband.

10. What effects are had on the men in the tavern due to Mephistopheles's presence?
(a) They begin to speak in tongues.
(b) Three of the men die.
(c) They begin to hallucinate.
(d) They begin to fall asleep.

11. What is Faust's title?
(a) Barrister.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Lord.
(d) Sir.

12. What is Mephistopheles forced to wear while waiting for the witch?
(a) A belt made out of human skin.
(b) A large black boot.
(c) A tattered cape.
(d) A broken crown.

13. What are the men in the tavern about ready to do when Mephistopheles finally stops them?
(a) Pillage a neighboring village.
(b) Commit suicide.
(c) Leave for another country.
(d) Attack each other with knives.

14. Why does Faust decide to turn to magic use?
(a) He wants to summon Mephistopheles.
(b) He is attracted to a witch.
(c) He wants to debunk the myth of magic.
(d) He thinks it is the only way he can expand his mind.

15. Where does "Night" take place?
(a) Faust's bedroom.
(b) Faust's private chapel.
(c) Faust's study.
(d) Faust's kitchen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the poodle refuse to do when in Faust's study?

2. From where does the witch enter during "A Witch's Kitchen"?

3. After he drinks the potion, what does Faust want to do?

4. Why is Faust unhappy with his life's work?

5. What does Wagner interrupt when he comes to see Faust in "Night?"

(see the answer keys)

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