Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mephistopheles claim happened to Martha's husband?
(a) He drowned at sea.
(b) He was arrested for murder and executed.
(c) He was beaten to death in a bar fight.
(d) He died of a sexually transmitted disease from the woman he spent his fortune on.

2. Who does Faust initially believe Mephistopheles to be?
(a) A broker.
(b) A priest.
(c) A barrister.
(d) A student.

3. Why does Gretchen believe people tell her that she is beautiful?
(a) They pity her because of her poverty.
(b) They only want to sleep with her.
(c) They are attempting to reduce her down to only her physical attributes.
(d) She thinks that they are trying to tempt her away from God.

4. Who wrote the section "Dedication"?
(a) Goethe.
(b) Johnson.
(c) Marlow.
(d) Shakespeare.

5. Why does the witch burn herself on her cauldron?
(a) She forgets that she is warming up the cauldron.
(b) She falls into the fire.
(c) The baboon lets it boil over.
(d) She drops her book in the cauldron and has to fetch it.

6. What news does Mephistopheles give Martha in her first scene?
(a) Her husband has joined the militia.
(b) Her husband is in jail.
(c) Her husband is on his way home.
(d) Her husband is dead.

7. What does God believe will happen if Mephistopheles meets Faust?
(a) Faust will not recognize evil.
(b) Faust will go insane.
(c) Faust will only come closer to God.
(d) Faust will turn away from God.

8. What is Mephistopheles forced to wear while waiting for the witch?
(a) A tattered cape.
(b) A large black boot.
(c) A broken crown.
(d) A belt made out of human skin.

9. What does Martha believe about her abusive husband?
(a) He is jealous of her wealth.
(b) He is going to kill her one day.
(c) He is traveling abroad with his mistress.
(d) He is dead.

10. How does the girl first react to Faust when she meets him?
(a) Rudely.
(b) Shyly.
(c) She is flattered.
(d) She tries to kiss him.

11. Ultimately, in "Prelude on the Stage," what does the director decide to do with their play?
(a) Take suggestions from the audience and create a play.
(b) Perform a comedy.
(c) They will perform a classic tragedy instead of their play.
(d) Take the audience on a journey from heaven to hell.

12. After their pact is signed, what doubts does Faust voice to Mephistopheles?
(a) Mephistopheles will never satisfy Faust.
(b) Faust doubts Mephistopheles is who he claims to be.
(c) Mephistopheles will fail to uphold his end of the bargain.
(d) Faust is too old to find pleasure in others.

13. What does Mephistopheles promise Gretchen at the end of "The Neighbor's House"?
(a) He will introduce her to Faust.
(b) He will sell the jewelry for her.
(c) He will try to hire her for some tailor work.
(d) He will say a prayer for her.

14. Fill in the blank: Mephistopheles will serve Faust on Earth if Faust will ___________________.
(a) Serve Mephistopheles in hell.
(b) Kill Wagner.
(c) Renounce God with the intention of having others renounce him as well.
(d) Give up his holy studies.

15. What interrupts Faust when he tries to commit suicide?
(a) The sounds of Easter hymnals.
(b) The sound of children playing.
(c) The rising sun.
(d) The church bells.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Faust doing in his first appearance in this play?

2. What does Faust believe about the girl he sees the image of at the witch's house?

3. After he drinks the potion, what does Faust want to do?

4. What does Mephistopheles advise Martha to do in terms of grieving her husband?

5. In regards to their bargain, what does Faust make Mephistopheles agree to before signing the pledge?

(see the answer keys)

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