Faust. First Part Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faust. First Part Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through A Street, A Garden, A Summerhouse, and A Forest Cavern.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mephistopheles promise Gretchen at the end of "The Neighbor's House"?
(a) He will try to hire her for some tailor work.
(b) He will say a prayer for her.
(c) He will sell the jewelry for her.
(d) He will introduce her to Faust.

2. What is Mephistopheles forced to wear while waiting for the witch?
(a) A broken crown.
(b) A tattered cape.
(c) A belt made out of human skin.
(d) A large black boot.

3. From where does the witch enter during "A Witch's Kitchen"?
(a) The cauldron.
(b) The fireplace.
(c) The window.
(d) The chimney.

4. What suggestion does Mephistopheles give Gretchen in "The Neighbor's House" in regards to marriage?
(a) She should run away to another town.
(b) She should become an actress.
(c) She should enter a nunnery.
(d) She should take a lover.

5. What does Mephistopheles give all the men in the tavern?
(a) Herbs that he claims will promote vigor.
(b) Gold coins.
(c) Dried meat.
(d) Drinks he conjured up.

Short Answer Questions

1. What comforts Gretchen's mother when the priest takes the jewels away?

2. What reason does Martha cite for not inviting Mephistopheles to stay longer with her at the end of "A Garden"?

3. How does Mephistopheles entertain the crowd during "Auerbach's Tavern"?

4. What does Wagner point out to Faust as they walk with their townspeople?

5. What is the fate of the box of jewelry when Gretchen shows it to her mother?

(see the answer key)

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