Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Han and Lando are watching for their target, ____.

2. Han is sure six dreadnaughts and Bel Iblis' reputation will delight the ____.

3. Han says that more than fighting ships, the New Republic needs ____ .

4. Departing from the meeting with Ferrier, Han and Lando detect a ____.

5. In the Grand Corridor lined with ch'hala trees, Han tells Fey'lya how trying to play politics by ____ rules has backfired.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Leia feel that the Empire will save her life and what feelings might that be bringing up for her?

2. What happens when Mara and Thrawn meet at Endor?

3. Mara seems to be only interested in her own self-preservation, except where Talon Karrde is concerned. Why do you think that Mara cares so much for Talon Karrde?

4. Explain why Sena's request to Han about Bel Iblis and Mon Mothma is a bit strange and what questions it raises.

5. Why isn't Thrawn upset when Luke and Mara escape wit Karrde on the Falcon?

6. How does the book end, according to Luke's discovery?

7. Explain the deceptive message that Lando receives from Luke via Winter and the ensuing discussion about the price of the Katana Fleet.

8. Why is Mara upset over having to ask for Luke's help?

9. How does the Force help LUke when he reaches the Katana Fleet and what are the ramifications of that?

10. Explain how the maitrakh's talk about losing four sons to Imperial service influences Leia's attitudes and actions in this section.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Thrawn seems cold and calculated throughout the book. He has a plan and seems to know how to implement it. However, everyone has a weakness.

1. What do you feel that Thrawn's weakness is and why? Use at least three specific examples from the book to back your answer up.

2. How would you exploit Thrawn's weakness if you were a member of the New Republic?

3. How would you exploit Thrawn's weakness if you were Pellaeon and clearly want to escape from Thrawn's rule?

Essay Topic 2

Foreshadowing is a major theme in the book.

1: List three examples of foreshadowing in the story.

2: Explain how the three examples of foreshadowing that you chose influenced later events in the book.

3. The book is part of a three-book series. What things towards the end of the book seem to foreshadow events in the third book and what opinions do you have of what will happen in the third book as a result of that foreshadowing?

Essay Topic 3

Bel Iblis plays a fairly large role in the plot of the book.

1. Who is Bel Iblis and what connection did he have to the formation of the Rebellion and then the New Republic?

2. Why has Bel Iblis been in hiding?

3. How did Bel Iblis discover information about the Katana Fleet.

4. If you were Bel Iblis, what would you do with regards to rejoining the Rebellion/New Republic and why? How would you go about doing so?

(see the answer keys)

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