Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dark Force Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A hail of rocks hits the skipray and ____.
(a) The rocks penetrate the shields, but the skipray stays inb space.
(b) The skipray falls to the plant below.
(c) The ship explodes.
(d) The rocks bounce right off the shields.

2. Fey'lya discounts all the evidence presented and argues that a salvage expedition would ____.
(a) Waste time.
(b) Leave the New Republic undefended.
(c) Waste resources.
(d) Draw the Grand Admiral's attention.

3. Mara vows to behave lest she be turned over to mad ____.
(a) Rancors.
(b) Dogs.
(c) C'baoth.
(d) Ysalimiri.

4. When Thrawn asks about her long absence, Mara hears in her head that she must kill ____.
(a) C'baoth.
(b) The Emperor.
(c) Luke.
(d) Thrawn.

5. C'baoth reprimands Luke for leaving his ____ .
(a) Mate.
(b) Ship.
(c) Bed.
(d) Droid.

6. Refusing to use mind control as at Nkllon, Luke uses the Force only to suppress the curiosity of ____ men in a pilot's lounge.
(a) Six.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Eight.

7. Pellaeon is certain the ____ will draw Luke's group into a trap.
(a) Stormtroopers.
(b) Wookies.
(c) Falcon.
(d) Ysalimiri.

8. At the Grand Dukha, the spokesman's name is ____ .
(a) Vor'con
(b) Vor'copl.
(c) Vor'corkh.
(d) Vor'coln.

9. Hearing Imperial weaponry aboard, Han and Lando flee into a ____.
(a) Hidden command room.
(b) Garbage chute.
(c) Escape pod.
(d) Enemy ship.

10. When the turbolift car halts in the general alarm, Mara subdues the Imperial passenger, and flees carefully with Luke and Karrde down the track, which is ____.
(a) Electrified.
(b) Booby trapped.
(c) Slippery.
(d) Narrow.

11. When Mara almost falls asleep, averting disaster, Mara puts the craft on autopilot and fetches the ysalamir, within whose bubble ____.
(a) Mara is able to guide the ship with her thoughts.
(b) Mara teleports off the ship.
(c) Fatigue ends.
(d) Mara is frozen in carbonite.

12. Leia realizes that "thirdson" means ____.
(a) Oldest son.
(b) Youngest son.
(c) Great-grandson.
(d) Grand-son.

13. Captain Brandei detects Rebels aboard ____ dreadnaughts.
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

14. When Wedge speaks up, he is threatened with ____ .
(a) A gun.
(b) His family being taken prisoner.
(c) Court martial.
(d) Loss of his job.

15. Five days out of Coruscant, the first expedition comes out of hyperspace, spots ____ and deploys the X-wing.
(a) Frigates.
(b) Dreadnaughts.
(c) Landspeeders.
(d) Star Destroyers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Fey'lya charges that Han wants the ____ for presenting the Katana Fleet.

2. Facing Thrawn, Mara lunges for his throat but ____ restrains her.

3. When Mara enters space, she is caught in a ____.

4. Bel Iblis organizes the meeting with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa that starts the ____ , for which Mon Mothma now takes credit.

5. Han is sure six dreadnaughts and Bel Iblis' reputation will delight the ____.

(see the answer keys)

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