A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age Test | Final Test - Medium

William Manchester
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age Test | Final Test - Medium

William Manchester
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Luther was thought to use the language of a ____.
(a) Pagan.
(b) Crusader.
(c) Lunatic.
(d) Zealot.

2. Leaflets appealed to German _____.
(a) Patriotism.
(b) Loyalties.
(c) Sensibilities.
(d) Governance.

3. Many of the ____ could not read Latin.
(a) Princes.
(b) Cardinals.
(c) Government officials.
(d) Papists.

4. What was Magellan's home country?
(a) Spain.
(b) Italy.
(c) Portugal.
(d) France.

5. What was the occupation of Fortescue?
(a) Chief Justice.
(b) Inventor.
(c) Cardinal.
(d) Priest.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many rivers irrigated the Garden of Eden?

2. Who drafted the bill to excommunicate Henry?

3. Resolutiones denied the supremacy of the ____.

4. _____ told Aleandro that Luther's arrest was unjustified.

5. Early explorers are referred to as being ____ and careful.

Short Essay Questions

1. Examine Luther's stand in Wittenberg.

2. Pope Leo was not focused on the Reformation but rather chose to focus on war. What were Leo's plans?

3. How did Magellan manage to raise enough funds for the expedition? Who supported Magellan?

4. What issues faced explorers at this time?

5. Who were among Luther's most avid supporters?

6. Luther was not arrested during his appeal. What court proceeding soon followed?

7. What was Luther's discovery regarding literacy?

8. How did the Catholic Church raise money shortly before the start of the Reformation?

9. What mistake was made regarding Luther's beliefs?

10. How did the new geography affect the Church? How was Magellan related to this issue?

(see the answer keys)

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