A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Wind in the Door Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the mitochondria called where Blajeny is sending the group?
(a) Yadah
(b) Sporos
(c) Pania
(d) Elegian

2. What was recorded when the biologist with the plants left town?
(a) they would die
(b) their needles would jump
(c) they would hibernate
(d) they would get a little brown

3. What does Meg do when the Echthroi and Jenkins speak with one voice?
(a) starts to kythe with Calvin
(b) laughs
(c) runs away
(d) screams

4. What does Blajeny show the group for encouragement?
(a) God's face
(b) the birth of a star
(c) life on another planet
(d) Charles

5. What does Meg say Mr. Jenkins is too slow at?
(a) at kything
(b) at accepting her
(c) at understanding
(d) at being kind

6. What is it that Mr. Jenkins doesn't understand about the deepened farae?
(a) why they change form
(b) how he can talk to them
(c) how they communicate
(d) why they are sick

7. Why does the song falter?
(a) the Echthroi at work
(b) it's evening
(c) the farae are tired
(d) the group interferes with the song

8. What makes Meg decide to be nicer towards Mr. Jenkins?
(a) remembering naming him
(b) remembering he volunteered to come
(c) thinking of Calvin
(d) thinking of Charles

9. What did Calvin do with his second and third bean seed?
(a) planted them by the star-watching rock
(b) threw them in the yard
(c) planted it in the library
(d) planted them in the twin's garden

10. What does Meg figure out will fill the void of the Echthroi?
(a) laughter
(b) joy
(c) hatred
(d) love

11. What does Meg do when she is in pain?
(a) falls down
(b) kicks Mr. Jenkins
(c) kythes for help
(d) lets go of Jenkins's hand

12. When will Sporos become a sea tree?
(a) after Charles becomes an adult
(b) when Progo kythes with him
(c) when Meg kills him in present form
(d) when he deepens

13. What does the Echthros-Jenkins tell the little farandolae?
(a) they will lose their power if they deepen
(b) to come with him
(c) to stop dancing
(d) to stop singing

14. What does Meg feel inside the mitochondria?
(a) things scurrying over her body
(b) a pounding headache
(c) hot sunlight
(d) rhythmic pulsing like a heartbeat

15. What does Blajeny ask Mr. Jenkins?
(a) to help them
(b) to go to the Murray's house
(c) to return to his office
(d) to go find Calvin

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Blajeny tell Meg and the others about Charles?

2. Who is waiting at the star-watching rock for the group?

3. Where does Meg find herself after she fills the void?

4. Who appears at the rock and bows to Meg and Calvin?

5. What makes Mr. Jenkins shudder as he is getting up from fainting?

(see the answer keys)

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