The First Man Quiz

This Study Guide consists of approximately 33 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The First Man.

The First Man Quiz

This Study Guide consists of approximately 33 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The First Man.

Take our free The First Man quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now!

Directions: Click on the correct answer.

Questions 1-5 of 25:


How did the grandmother embarrass Jacques during the awards ceremony? (from Part 2, The Son or The First Man, Thursdays and Vacations)


What did Jacques believe about striving for his goals? (from Part 2, The Son or The First Man, A Mystery to Himself)


Where did Josephin work? (from Part 1, Search for the Father, Etienne)


What did the farmer do? (from Part 1, Search for the Father, Mondovi: The Settlement and the Father)


How did Jacques react when he saw the men fighting on the street below his window? (from Part 2, The Son or The First Man, A Mystery to Himself)

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