This section contains 1,421 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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In Chapter 1: “Out of Place,” 12-year-old Lucy Emery, her little dog Ansel, Mom, and Dad (Dan) have come to stay in a red cottage on a lake in New Hampshire. It is a new beginning, and Lucy knows new beginnings mean change. Each time she and Dad move, she takes a picture of their new home so she can reflect on it later. Lucy and Ansel go down to the lake beach where she saves a drowning brown moth. There is a gray-shingled cottage next door, a row of kayaks, and some neighbors on and around their dock. When Ansel barks at them, a boy on the dock looks over. He comes to meet Lucy, introducing himself as Nate Bailey. Nate introduces Lucy to his friend, Megan, who lives in a yellow house at the Point. Nate explains Grandma Lilah owns their cottage, that...
(read more from the Chapters 1 – 5 Summary)
This section contains 1,421 words (approx. 4 pages at 400 words per page) |
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