Anne of Green Gables - Chapter 13 Summary & Analysis

This Study Guide consists of approximately 48 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Anne of Green Gables.

Anne of Green Gables - Chapter 13 Summary & Analysis

This Study Guide consists of approximately 48 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Anne of Green Gables.
This section contains 227 words
(approx. 1 page at 400 words per page)
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Chapter 13 Summary

Anne Shirley flies into the kitchen, where Marilla waits impatiently for the girl to do her patchwork. Breathless, Anne bubbles over with excitement about the Sunday school picnic. Marilla scolds Anne for her tardiness, who apologizes, explaining that the fascination of Idlewild (a patch of birch trees, home to her and Diana's playhouse) was too great for her. Never having tasted ice cream, it being beyond imagination, nor having been to a picnic, Anne is wild with anticipation. Marilla gives her permission and promises to bake Anne a basket. Anne lovingly kisses Marilla on the cheek, who is deeply touched but guards her emotions. As the picnic nears and Anne's excitement grows, Marilla cautions Anne that she sets her heart too much on things; so much so, she is bound for disappointment. To which Anne responds, "Oh, Marilla, looking forward to things is...

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This section contains 227 words
(approx. 1 page at 400 words per page)
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