While Europe Slept Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

While Europe Slept Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3 153-188.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Dutch still believe that __________ is a possible ideal, despite the fact that it does not work.
(a) Equality.
(b) Affirmative action.
(c) Separate but equal.
(d) A melting pot society.

2. Anti-Americanism in Europe is so deep and intense that they often reminisce of what time?
(a) When America was not so powerful.
(b) When America was attacked.
(c) When America did not exist.
(d) When America was a colony.

3. The narrator believes that the European attitude has created what?
(a) A culture of ideological dualism.
(b) An imbalanced culture.
(c) A healthy culture.
(d) A culture of uneducated and delusional men and women.

4. Bush was whose puppet, according to some Europeans?
(a) The American people's.
(b) His father's.
(c) The Muslim's.
(d) Israel's.

5. Who is vigilant to keep new Muslim immigrants on the Islam "straight and narrow?"
(a) Religious leaders.
(b) Muslim communities.
(c) The leaders of Muslim countries.
(d) European leaders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Johan Galtung is a Scandinavian man and known as the "______________ of the international peace studies movement."

2. What does the European tolerance of differences in beliefs plus the lack of help in integrating into their new home, create?

3. A week after the elections in Spain, Israel assassinated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was the founder of the terrorist group _________.

4. After 9/11 Muslims in ___________ applauded the attacks, celebrating in the streets and calling on a holy war of their society as well.

5. What is "honor" killing?

(see the answer key)

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