When Genius Failed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Genius Failed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many employees were with Long-Term in 1996?
(a) Five.
(b) A couple dozen.
(c) Less than a dozen.
(d) Five hundred.

2. What were the models Long-Term used unable to predict?
(a) Long-Term's exact income.
(b) Investor's exact return.
(c) Market collapse.
(d) All of these.

3. What was J.F. Eckstein & Co. primarily working on in 1979?
(a) Stocks.
(b) IO's.
(c) Treasury Bill futures.
(d) Bonds.

4. In 1994, what market did Long-Term begin to express an interest in?
(a) Chinese.
(b) Chicago.
(c) International.
(d) Local.

5. What did the traders accept about the financial models they used?
(a) They removed the element of surprise.
(b) They were imperfect.
(c) They were expensive.
(d) They were smarter than humans.

6. Why did Rosenfeld choose not to co-found Kapor's project?
(a) He was too interested in finance.
(b) He was too interested in travel.
(c) He was competitive with Kapor.
(d) He did not like Kapor.

7. Who ran the London office for Long-Term?
(a) Mullins.
(b) Haghani.
(c) Meriwether.
(d) Buffet.

8. Once in business, what did Long-Term have an easy time getting from banks?
(a) Workers.
(b) Endorsements.
(c) Personal information.
(d) Money.

9. What did the letter Meriwether sent to his clients claim it was difficult to do with Long-Term?
(a) Take legal action.
(b) Lose money.
(c) Get a job.
(d) Make money.

10. What is the CFTC short for?
(a) Commodities Finding True Commission.
(b) Capitalism Fortune Trust Commonwealth.
(c) Commodities Futures Trading Commission.
(d) Counting Futures Trading Commodities.

11. Where was David W. Mullins working when Meriwether hired him?
(a) Federal Reserve.
(b) The United Nations.
(c) Yale School of Finance.
(d) Salomon Brothers.

12. What type of strategy did Long-Term employ?
(a) Whatever was dictated by the market.
(b) Low risk.
(c) High risk.
(d) Moderate risk.

13. Where was Robert C. Merton working when Meriwether hired him?
(a) The Federal Exchange Commission.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Wall Street.
(d) NASA.

14. What was practically impossible to determine about Long-Term?
(a) Where it was located.
(b) Actual fund assets.
(c) Who was in charge.
(d) Why it was doing so well.

15. How was Meriwether's career affected following the Treasury bill deal?
(a) He lost his job.
(b) He became a public speaker.
(c) He was made partner.
(d) He became a regulation advocate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What notable company went bankrupt in the 1970's?

2. What did Rosenfeld and his friend develop?

3. How much money did Rosenfeld's business bring in?

4. Who typically invested in hedge funds?

5. Meriwether believed that risk and volatility were what?

(see the answer keys)

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