When Genius Failed Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Genius Failed Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the When Genius Failed Lesson Plans

Essay Topic 1

Meriwether began his career at Salomon Brothers before starting Long-Term. Write a detailed profile of his career path at Salomon Brothers, answering the following questions.

1) What risk did Meriwether take at Salomon Brothers?

2) What were the challenges and rewards?

3) Why did his career at Salomon Brothers come to an end?

Essay Topic 2

Meriwether enjoyed building strong teams to work with. Write a brief essay examining the qualities he sought out in his team members.

Essay Topic 3

In the late 1970's, the financial climate was changing due to technology. Examine the changes this brought about in the financial market and how these changes directly affected Meriwether.

Essay Topic 4

Examine one of the following forms of investment vehicles:

- Hedge funds.

- Value funds.

- Bonds.

Answering the follow questions:

- What are the principals of this form of investment?

- What was Meriwether's experience with this form...

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