When Genius Failed Character Descriptions

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Genius Failed Character Descriptions

Roger Lowenstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the When Genius Failed Lesson Plans

John Meriwether

This person founded the Arbitrage Group.

Lawrence Hilibrand

This man was the strongest trader at Long-Term.

Victor J. Haghani

This Iranian American managed the London office of Long-Term.

Eric Rosenfeld

This former professor worked at Long-Term and formed a software company.

Robert C. Merton

This Nobel Prize recipient once worked at Harvard.

Myron Scholes

This famous economist was the son of an Ontario dentist.

Warren Buffet

This Omaha millionaire was on the Salomon board of directors.

David W. Mullins

This former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve System worked with Meriwether.

Jon Corzine

This bond trader worked at Goldman Sachs.

John Gutfreund

This managing partner at Salomon Brothers resigned due to scandal.

George Soros

This currency speculator headed up the Quantum Fund.

Alan Greenspan

This Chairman of the Federal Reserve System worked to keep the market stable.

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