Waterlily Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waterlily Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Little Chief accomplish when Waterlily is twelve years old?
(a) He writes his own song.
(b) He annoys her to death.
(c) He swims across the river.
(d) He kills his first buffalo.

2. Who is Little Chief's father?
(a) His father is the Big Chief.
(b) Black Eagle.
(c) His father is Rainbow.
(d) Gloku is unsure who his father is.

3. In the story that Black Eagle's family hears in Chapter 6, what did the buffalo do when the tribe was starving?
(a) Die of starvation as well.
(b) Stampede through a hunting party.
(c) Desert the plains and remain out of site until the winter was over.
(d) Enter the camp and allow enough of them to be killed to avoid the tribe starving.

4. What happens after Blue Bird and her grandmother wander alone for a few days in Chapter 2?
(a) They find a camp circle that welcomes them in.
(b) They learn to hunt and fish.
(c) They come to a town where they find a hotel.
(d) They are haunted by several ghosts.

5. What does Gloku take every opportunity to do to Blue Bird in Chapter 6?
(a) Tell her she is no good.
(b) Introduce her to the new people at the camp.
(c) Criticize the way she raises her daughter.
(d) Make fun of the way she speaks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What would a Dakota couple do in place of a traditional wedding ceremony?

2. What is Blue Bird finding it hard to do when she returns to her camp in Chapter 4?

3. Who does Star Elk summon to be with them when he takes Blue Bird to his family?

4. What do the people know about Blue Bird despite what is being said about her?

5. What happens to Blue Bird's grandmother while she is gathering wood in the summer?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Waterlily's hunka celebrations and the preparations that are made for it.

2. How does Waterlily feel when Little Chief kills his first buffalo, and why is it important?

3. What happens when Gloku takes Waterlily and Little Chief to the pile of prayers at Box Butte?

4. How does the camp circle feel about Star Elk's actions against Blue Bird, and what does Star Elk do as a result?

5. Who is Little Chief, and how does Blue Bird treat him?

6. What happens to Waterlily when she is left to care for her blind grandfather at the age of six?

7. What does Blue Bird learn soon after her child gets better in Chapter 3?

8. In Chapter 6, what does Gloku dream, and how does her dream come true?

9. In Chapter 4, what does Rainbow tell his parents, and how do they feel about this and why?

10. What story does Woyaka tell Black Eagle's family?

(see the answer keys)

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