Waterlily Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waterlily Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the significance of the ghostkeeping to Gloku?
(a) A way to dispose of her body.
(b) The final way her family could honor her.
(c) A complete disrespect to her name.
(d) An unfunny joke.

2. Who is the leader of Sacred Horse's camp circle?
(a) Red Leaf.
(b) Sacred Horse.
(c) Good Hunter.
(d) Waterlily.

3. What does the family decide to have instead of a burial when Gloku dies?
(a) A cremation.
(b) A party to celebrate.
(c) A ghostkeeping.
(d) A feast in which all tribes are fed.

4. What had Waterlily hoped the first time she saw Lowanla?
(a) That Sacred Horse would kill him.
(b) That he would be quiet.
(c) She would one day marry him.
(d) She would never see him again.

5. Who is Red Leaf?
(a) A very close friend of Waterlily's brother, Ohiya.
(b) A dying man Waterlily finds in the woods.
(c) Waterlily's new husband.
(d) A journeyman hunter.

6. How does Waterlily respond to Lowanla's question about who she is in Chapter 17?
(a) She refuses to tell him the truth.
(b) She laughs at him.
(c) She says she has no idea what she is talking about.
(d) She leaves him.

7. What makes Waterlily very happy in Chapter 17?
(a) Her marriage to Lowanla.
(b) The demise of their enemies.
(c) An abundant crop of corn.
(d) A letter from Sacred Horse.

8. What is Gloku known for in the camp circle?
(a) Being a bad mother.
(b) Her generosity.
(c) Her incessant chatter.
(d) Her horrible cooking.

9. What does Waterlily's cousin have because a boy claims she agreed to marry him?
(a) An engagement party.
(b) A Virgin's Fire.
(c) A great feast.
(d) A very angry family.

10. What happens two months after Mitawa is born?
(a) He is kidnapped by Star Elk.
(b) He is killed by a snake.
(c) A prophet arrives at the camp.
(d) A man who looks like Sacred Horse rides into the camp.

11. Why are Waterlily and Sacred Horse having trouble communicating in Chapter 15?
(a) Waterlily cannot speak to horses.
(b) Waterlily is extremely shy around Sacred Horse.
(c) They speak different languages.
(d) Sacred Horse is deaf and mute.

12. How do Sacred Horse and Waterlily walk home after the storytelling in Chapter 15?
(a) The long way.
(b) They run the whole way.
(c) Stumbling because they are drunk.
(d) Holding Hands.

13. Where is the war party Waterlily is to travel with headed?
(a) To a war in which she must fight.
(b) They have no destination.
(c) The wilderness of the north.
(d) To her family's camp circle.

14. What teaching keeps Waterlily from revealing the truth to Lowanla in Chapter 17?
(a) Dakota women and their honor.
(b) Never say an unkind word.
(c) What he does not know will not hurt him.
(d) How to lie effectively.

15. What does the Buffalo ceremony mark in Waterlily's life?
(a) The change from childhood to adolescence.
(b) Her marriage.
(c) Her decision to leave the camp circle.
(d) Her first buffalo kill.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is given in the name of the dead to end the ghostkeeping?

2. What does Waterlily spend time doing when she returns to her own camp circle in Chapter 17?

3. What does the young boy promise in sacrifice to the spirit during the dance?

4. Who greets Waterlily when she returns home in Chapter 17?

5. Why are the men supposed to dance around the tree for several days in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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