Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Under Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The German in the refuge served as which of the following?
(a) An officer.
(b) A sniper.
(c) An aviator.
(d) A sapper.

2. What do the men think is the best way to augment their meager wages?
(a) By being friends with the quartermaster.
(b) By bartering with other squads.
(c) By seeking promotions.
(d) By stealing.

3. What injuries has Farfadet sustained when the narrator meets him at the refuge?
(a) He lost both arms.
(b) He suffered burns by chemical gas.
(c) He lost both legs.
(d) He lost one eye, the other is bandaged.

4. Why does Joseph Mesnil go into "no man's land"?
(a) To search for his brother.
(b) To find a German rifle.
(c) Because he wants to die.
(d) Because he is drunk.

5. Who is the "weasel-faced ancient at Gauchin" from the newspaper story?
(a) Cpl. Bertrand.
(b) The Marist brother.
(c) The Commandant.
(d) The old treasure hunting man the squad met earlier.

6. What is an international trench?
(a) A trench built in no-man's land.
(b) A trench containing troops from different allied nations.
(c) A trench with parts occupied by opposing forces.
(d) A trench built by multiple allied nations.

7. How do the men prevent their cleaned rifles from being stolen by lazy or dishonest soldiers?
(a) They put an identifying mark on them.
(b) They sleep with their rifles under them.
(c) They disassemble the rifles.
(d) They keep watch in pairs.

8. How does Lamuse react to seeing Eudoxie's body?
(a) He vomits.
(b) He immediately breaks down in shock.
(c) He flies into a rage.
(d) He hugs her.

9. What other bloody battle does the narrator recall while escorting Joseph to safety?
(a) The Ardennes.
(b) Versailles.
(c) Benthoval Wood.
(d) Verdun.

10. What do the men of the squad think of Volpatte?
(a) They are jealous of his charmed life.
(b) They think he is crazy.
(c) They resent his status.
(d) They all look up to him.

11. What does Bertrand say about prophecies?
(a) He doubts them, but always sees them come true.
(b) He once kidded about believing in them.
(c) He despises them.
(d) He fervently believes in them.

12. How long does Joseph wait before receiving aid at the refuge?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Six hours.
(c) One day.
(d) Thirty minutes.

13. At the end of Chapter 14, what does the narrator dream of?
(a) The chickens in Gauchin-l'Abbé.
(b) His hometown.
(c) A great, unknown light.
(d) The front.

14. What do Blaire, Poupardin, and Pépin do in order to find a way to cook the meat?
(a) Blaire tries to get help from another regiment.
(b) Pépin tries to improvise.
(c) Poupardin leads them in foraging.
(d) They send Volpatte to complain to Cpl. Bertrand.

15. The narrator describes the field of corpses being processed as being like which of the following?
(a) An abattoir.
(b) Hell.
(c) A charnel house.
(d) A devil's feast.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 15, when the men run low on supplies, what does Triloir share with the rest of the squad?

2. What does Volpatte repeat as he charges into the machine gun fire?

3. In Chapter 15, one squad in the regiment is rumored to have made a meal out of what?

4. What was the purpose of the patrol that Lamuse, Barque, Biquet, and Eudore died on?

5. When the men are on leave, it is evident that Blaire changed in what way?

(see the answer keys)

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