Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

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Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the fact that Epps bought a large plantation that the slaves had actually earned for him reveal about him?
(a) That he did not see anything wrong with doing that.
(b) That he felt that he deserved it.
(c) That he thought of absolutely no one but himself.
(d) That he stole from the hard labor of others.

2. What was Solomon doing when the carriage whisked by on its way to the main house of the Epps Plantation?
(a) He was working in the field.
(b) He was dropping his fish trap into the water.
(c) He was helping Mrs. Epps in the garden.
(d) He was having his breakfast.

3. Overall, what was Epps most concerned about when Solomon fell ill?
(a) Money.
(b) Time.
(c) His own reputation.
(d) Solomon's health.

4. What was the reason upon which Solomon based his bellief that Bass had left Marksville quietly?
(a) He did not want anything else to do with Solomon.
(b) He was not sure that he had performed his carpentry work to the liking of Avery.
(c) So that he (Bass) could help him with his endeavor of regaining his freedom.
(d) He had business to take care of in New Orleans.

5. Based on the description of one in Chapter 16, what was a slave driver supposed to do?
(a) He was supposed to make sure that the slaves worked without stopping for breaks.
(b) He was supposed to drive the slaves from the auction house to the plantation.
(c) He was supposed to drive the slaves to places outside the plantation.
(d) He was supposed to make sure that the slaves would take breaks from their work.

6. How did Solomon view Bass to be in relation to his lifestyle?
(a) Free-roaming only to a certain degree.
(b) Tied down and responsible for the welfare of others.
(c) Unable to settle anywhere because he did not know what he wanted to do.
(d) Free-roaming and able to do whatever he wanted.

7. Which male pair below provided Solomon with sweet type work?
(a) William Ford and Mr. Eldret.
(b) Mr. Hawkins and Judge Turner.
(c) Mistress Ford and Mr. Hawkins.
(d) Edwin Epps and William Ford.

8. What type of support did Bass contribute toward Solomon's quest for freedom?
(a) Letter writing, research, and moral.
(b) Letter writing, unjust, and illegal.
(c) Letter writing, financial, and moral.
(d) Letter writing, intellectual, and legal.

9. Following up on the characterization of Judge Turner, how did he differ from other planters in the area with regard to their treatment of slaves?
(a) He only expected the slaves to work every other day.
(b) He did not expect too much work or productivity from the slaves.
(c) He paid the slaves for their work.
(d) He allowed the slaves to rest two days per week.

10. How did Tibeats feel when he told Solomon that he had sold him to Edwin Epps?
(a) He had second thoughts about having sold Solomon.
(b) He felt glad to be rid of Solomon.
(c) He feels as though he had finally beat Solomon at something.
(d) He felt guilty for having sold Solomon.

11. What was Epps' status at the time that he bought Solomon from John Tibeats?
(a) He was a respected member of the community.
(b) He was a renter.
(c) He was a new person in the community.
(d) He was a plantation owner.

12. Who seemed to suffer the most among Epps' slaves?
(a) Phebe.
(b) Patsey.
(c) Bob.
(d) Wiley.

13. In characterizing Judge Turner, how was he like the other planters in Bayou Bœuf?
(a) He treated them like animals.
(b) He expected the slaves to work and produce for him.
(c) He abused and mistreated them.
(d) He believed that slaves could be profitable for him.

14. Why was Bass hesitant to write additional letters to try to get help for Solomon?
(a) Because he was not sure that they letter recipients could not read his writing.
(b) Because he was not sure that the letters were not being delivered.
(c) Because he thought that the Postmaster in Marksville might become curious about his endeavor.
(d) Because he had already written a lot of them and had not received a reply from any of the recipients.

15. For the most part, why did whippings occur with high frequency at the Epps plantation?
(a) Because slaves did not pick the right amount of cotton.
(b) Because the slaves tended to get rowdy.
(c) Because Epps constantly accused the slaves of stealing from him.
(d) Because the slaves were constantly late to the cotton field.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the main contributing factor that led toward the development of a friendship between Mrs. Ford and Solomon?

2. How was Solomon's hiring by Avery fateful in nature?

3. Because it appeared that both the slaves and the white folks would put their differences aside at Chrismastime, what was the common denominator that encouraged both groups to do that?

4. Which of the following could be viewed as Epps' loss in the course of mistreating his slaves?

5. What type of person did John Tibeats prove himself to be doing during the time that Solomon was working for Mr. Eldret?

(see the answer keys)

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