Tracks Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tracks Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Pauline travel in her dreams?
(a) To heaven
(b) To Matchimanito Lake
(c) To the land of the dead
(d) To Argus

2. Who is the father of Pauline's child?
(a) Napolean
(b) Eli
(c) The lake man
(d) Nanapush

3. Who does Eli say is the father of Fleur's second child?
(a) Eli is
(b) Nanapush
(c) The Lake Man
(d) Napoleon

4. Who is Pauline waiting for on the water?
(a) Eli
(b) Fleur
(c) Sophie
(d) The lake monster

5. Where do the commodities come from?
(a) Hoopdance
(b) Argus
(c) Father Damien
(d) The convent

Short Answer Questions

1. Fleur plays cards with the three men who attacked her in Argus. What does Lilly pull from a shirt?

2. Who interrupts Nanapush's healing ceremony for Fleur?

3. Who is blamed for Napoleon's death?

4. What does Sister Anne do that requires her to confess her sin to Father Damien?

5. What do Nanapush and Nector use for their snares?

Short Essay Questions

1. What secret does Eli reveal to Nanapush about Fleur and her nighttime activities?

2. Why do you think Pauline is happy about the Indians losing their lands?

3. What significance is there to Pauline shedding skin every time her bandages are changed?

4. Describe Pauline's reasons for going to Lake Matchimanito one last time. What is her purpose and who is she waiting for?

5. Describe the curing ceremony and the excitement that interrupts it.

6. Name the unusual penances Pauline imposes on herself. Why does she do these things to herself?

7. Why does Pauline panic when she and Fleur travel to the land of the dead?

8. Describe how Pauline's hands are wounded for the first time.

9. Describe the transformation Fleur makes after the baby's death.

10. How does Lulu's decision to run to Nanapush and Margaret show her likeness to her mother?

(see the answer keys)

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