Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

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Tracks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lazarre die?
(a) Being snared
(b) Infection from a bite Margaret gave him
(c) He is shot by Fleur
(d) Drowns in the lake

2. Where do Pauline and Fleur go when they leave the Pillager cabin?
(a) The convent
(b) The land of the dead
(c) Into the lake
(d) Argus

3. Who does Pauline fight on shore?
(a) Nanapush
(b) The lake monster
(c) Napoleon
(d) Fleur

4. What is Pauline wearing when her boat comes to shore?
(a) A bridal gown
(b) Only her rosary
(c) A native dress
(d) A baby bonnet

5. How many children does Margaret have?
(a) Twelve
(b) Two
(c) Ten
(d) One

6. Why can't Nanapush talk while tied in the barn during the attack by Clarence and Boy Lazzarre?
(a) Because Boy holds a knife to his throat
(b) Because Clarence put a bag over his head
(c) Because Margaret's hair is tied around his mouth
(d) Because he is scared

7. Where does Pauline go when she leaves Bernadette?
(a) Argus
(b) Eli
(c) The lake
(d) Convent

8. What does Lulu wear to go to Margaret's cabin?
(a) Fleur's scarf
(b) Pauline's shoes backwards
(c) Fleur's umbrella
(d) Her fancy shoes

9. Who pronounces Pauline white and able to serve in the convent?
(a) The government agent
(b) Father Damien
(c) Sister Anne
(d) God

10. What saves the Pillagers from dying?
(a) Government commodities
(b) Napolean
(c) The moose meat
(d) Bernadette

11. Where does Fleur go in the middle of the night?
(a) To the convent
(b) To Sophie
(c) To Nanapush's cabin
(d) To the lake

12. What does the man who visits Pauline's room bring with him?
(a) Death
(b) Salvation
(c) A curse from Fleur
(d) A bag of needles, forks and scissors

13. What does Nanapush save for Margaret?
(a) Her cut braids
(b) Lulu's shoes
(c) A special scarf for her head
(d) A piece of meat from his plate

14. Where does Pauline travel in her dreams?
(a) To Matchimanito Lake
(b) To Argus
(c) To the land of the dead
(d) To heaven

15. Who moves into the empty houses?
(a) Nuns
(b) White men
(c) Animals
(d) Lazarres

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Father Damien want Nanapush to do?

2. What do Fleur and Eli bury the baby in?

3. What does Pukwan bring back to the reservation?

4. Who does Father Damien bring to Nanapush's?

5. What does Pauline cover herself in when she realizes she is naked?

(see the answer keys)

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