The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Esther like Doreen?
(a) She is witty and sarcastic.
(b) She is fashion conscious.
(c) She is wealthy.
(d) She provides a smoking partner for Esther.

2. What does Esther hear as she lays in bed on the first morning she is home?
(a) A car pulling out of a driveway
(b) The phone ringing
(c) Her mother practicing typing
(d) The squeak of carriage wheels

3. Why is Buddy eager for Esther to read the poem "Florida Dawn"?
(a) He thinks she will enjoy it.
(b) His father wrote it.
(c) He believes it is the next great masterpiece of American poetry.
(d) He wrote it.

4. What does Marco remind Esther of?
(a) A movie star
(b) A tango dancer
(c) A diamond
(d) A snake in the zoo

5. Why is Esther living in New York City in the summer of 1953?
(a) Esther is taking a summer writing course.
(b) She is attending New York University.
(c) As the award for winning a writing contest, she is interning at a fashion magazine.
(d) As the award for winning a modeling contest, she is modeling for a fashion magazine.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Esther feel as she careens down the ski slope?

2. What does Esther do as Lenny and Doreen dance?

3. Which of the following best describes Lenny and Doreen's dancing?

4. Which of the following does NOT adorn the waiting room at the sanatorium?

5. Why does Esther feel depressed when she returns to the Amazon?

Short Essay Questions

1. Contrast Esther's and Buddy's feelings about his diagnosis

2. Describe the movie that the girls go to see from Esther's point of view

3. What is Esther's opinion of Betsy?

4. Describe the situation that leads Esther to leave Lenny's apartment

5. What happens on the hill behind the chemistry lab at Yale?

6. What does Esther think makes her a neurotic?

7. Why is Esther surprised when Buddy comes to visit her at college?

8. Describe the article that Esther's mother gives her from Reader's Digest ("In Defense of Chastity").

9. Why does Marco attack Esther?

10. Describe the story that Esther reads in the short story book from the Ladies' Day magazine

(see the answer keys)

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