The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What complaint do all of the patients at the hospital have of Esther's volunteer work?
(a) They do not like her rearranging their flowers.
(b) She does not deliver the correct bouquets.
(c) They do not like her stand offish attitude.
(d) She drops the flower vases and spills the water.

2. What does Mrs. Tomollilo do that gets her placed in the psychiatric ward?
(a) She tries to kill herself.
(b) She tries to kill her mother in law.
(c) She sticks her tongue out at her mother-in-law.
(d) She giggles uncontrollably all of the time.

3. Whose visit to her hospital room angers Esther?
(a) Her mother's
(b) Her uncle's
(c) Buddy Willard's
(d) George Bakewell's

4. What does Mrs. Bannister discover about Esther one evening?
(a) She has had a reaction to the insulin injections.
(b) She is sleeping too much.
(c) She is not responding to the insulin injections.
(d) She has thrown out the roses from her mother.

5. Why does Buddy Willard visit Esther in the asylum?
(a) He wants to make sure that Esther is well enough to return to college.
(b) He wants to know the details of Joan's death.
(c) He wants to know if he drove she and Joan to insanity.
(d) He wants to ask her to marry him.

6. Why does Esther visit the cemetery?
(a) To visit her grandparents' graves
(b) To contemplate suicide
(c) To select a gravesite for her body
(d) To visit her father's grave

7. Why does Valerie have scars on her head?
(a) She tried to kill herself.
(b) She has had a lobotomy.
(c) She had many shock treatments.
(d) She was in an accident and had a head injury.

8. What is unusual about Miss Norris?
(a) She is not friendly to Esther.
(b) She will not leave her room.
(c) She does not speak.
(d) She wears a cameo brooch.

9. What does Esther do that gets her transferred to another hospital?
(a) She breaks a mirror.
(b) She refuses shock treatment.
(c) She attacks her mother.
(d) She yells at George Bakewell.

10. What does Joan find in a magazine that shocks Esther?
(a) An article that Esther wrote
(b) A photo of Buddy and his new girlfriend
(c) An article about her disappearance
(d) A photo of her time in NYC

11. Who does Jody set Esther up on a blind date with?
(a) Buddy
(b) Dr. Gordon
(c) Mark
(d) Cal

12. Why doesn't Esther wash her clothes or bathe?
(a) It irritates her mother.
(b) She wants to preserve the memory of her time in NYC.
(c) She is too tired because she has not slept in days.
(d) It seems silly to her.

13. Why does Esther compare her photo with that of a dead girl published in the paper?
(a) To see if they looked enough alike to kill herself.
(b) To see if they wore their hair the same way.
(c) To see if they might be long lost sisters.
(d) To see if they look enough alike for Esther to fake her death.

14. What does Esther tell her mother after the treatment that makes her feel relieved?
(a) She has decided to not be depressed anymore.
(b) She feels much better after the treatment.
(c) She will not go back to Dr. Gordon again.
(d) Dr. Gordon says she is cured.

15. Why does Dr. Nolan restrict Esther's visitors?
(a) Esther's mother requested that no one be able to see her.
(b) Dr. Nolan does not like Esther's mother.
(c) She believes the visitors set back Esther's progress.
(d) Dr. Nolan is concerned for Esther's safety.

Short Answer Questions

1. Other than tabloid magazines, what type of books is Esther able to read?

2. Why does Dr. Quinn visit Esther late one night?

3. Who is Esther's doctor at the private hospital?

4. How long has it been since Esther has slept when she first visits Dr. Gordon?

5. How do the women in Belsize know they will be having shock treatments?

(see the answer keys)

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