The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bell Jar Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Tomollilo do that gets her placed in the psychiatric ward?
(a) She tries to kill her mother in law.
(b) She sticks her tongue out at her mother-in-law.
(c) She tries to kill herself.
(d) She giggles uncontrollably all of the time.

2. Where does Esther have Irwin drive her to?
(a) The hospital
(b) Dr. Nolan's apartment
(c) The asylum
(d) Joan's apartment

3. What trait does Dr. Nolan say women find attractive in each other?
(a) Intelligence
(b) Compassion
(c) Tenderness
(d) Beauty

4. What led Joan to run away from home?
(a) Sores on her feet
(b) A fight with her parents
(c) An article about Esther
(d) Her breakup with Buddy

5. Who do Esther and Joan both get letters from?
(a) Jay Cee
(b) Buddy
(c) Dr. Gordon
(d) Mr. & Mrs. Willard

6. What does the nurse tell Esther to help her feel more relaxed during her first shock treatment?
(a) It will hardly hurt.
(b) All patients are scared to death the first time.
(c) She will feel like she has gone to sleep.
(d) Few patients have negative side effects.

7. Why did Joan say she dated Buddy?
(a) She found him attractive.
(b) She hoped to marry a doctor someday.
(c) She liked his parents.
(d) She wanted to hide her homosexuality.

8. What treasure does Esther take with her to solitary confinement?
(a) A book of poetry
(b) A ball of mercury
(c) A letter from Buddy
(d) A mirror

9. Who is Esther's doctor at the private hospital?
(a) Dr. Gordon
(b) Dr. Syphilis
(c) Dr. Nolan
(d) Buddy Willard

10. What keeps Esther from committing suicide with the cord from her mother's robe?
(a) She decides it is much nobler to die by cutting her wrists.
(b) Her mother comes home and finds her.
(c) Her hands release the cord before she loses consciousness.
(d) The cord breaks as she is tying it in a noose.

11. What treatment does Dr. Gordon suggest for Esther?
(a) Anti-depressants
(b) Continued weekly appointments with him
(c) Admittance to an asylum
(d) Shock treatment

12. Where does Esther tell the sailor she is is from?
(a) New York City
(b) Boston
(c) Chicago
(d) San Francisco

13. What infuriates Esther in Dr. Gordon's office?
(a) The plants
(b) The photograph of his family
(c) His silver pencil
(d) The lighting

14. Why does Esther dislike Dr. Gordon?
(a) He had her committed to a public hospital.
(b) She didn't feel like he listened to her during their sessions.
(c) He gave her painful shock treatments.
(d) He failed to cure her depression.

15. What does Mrs. Mole do that makes the nurses put her in her room for dinner?
(a) She slaps her thighs and yells at the doctors.
(b) She complains about the food that is served that day.
(c) She insults the food service person.
(d) She dumps all of the green beans on her plate.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dr. Gordon respond to Esther's torn letter to Doreen?

2. How long has it been since Esther has slept when she first visits Dr. Gordon?

3. Where does Esther wake up at the start of this chapter?

4. What field does Joan tell Esther she plans on studying when she returns to college?

5. What sort of doctor does Dr. Nolan refer Esther to?

(see the answer keys)

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