The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the narrator say his father left his family?
(a) The summer he met Chloe.
(b) The summer after he met Chloe.
(c) The summer before he met Chloe.
(d) When he was an infant.

2. What is The Cedars?
(a) A school.
(b) Rehab.
(c) A boarding house.
(d) A retirement home.

3. How did Myles interrupt the narrator the first time he was alone with Mrs. Grace?
(a) He was chasing a dog.
(b) He said he was hurt.
(c) He wanted to use the phone.
(d) He wanted something to eat.

4. What does the narrator say Anna feared about being bald?
(a) Having to wear hats.
(b) People knowing she was sick.
(c) Looking like her father.
(d) Losing her hair.

5. Which member of the Grace family does the narrator call a "godling"?
(a) Chloe.
(b) Myles.
(c) The mother.
(d) The father.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator describe Mr. Grace the first time he sees him?

2. In "Section 1: Part 2", how does the narrator describe his pains?

3. In "Section 1: Part 5", what does the narrator say his priest told him about thoughts as a child?

4. Who does the narrator say was the first member of the Grace family to greet him?

5. In "Section 1: Part 5", what does the narrator say energizes him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator say he and Claire argued about after visiting The Cedars together in "Section 1: Part 3"?

2. What does the narrator wonder about during the nighttime at The Cedars?

3. What does the narrator say happened to the dairy farmer his would visit as a child?

4. What does the narrator see when he looks in the mirror in "Section 1: Part 6"?

5. In "Section 1: Part 2", what work does the narrator reveal himself to be working on?

6. In "Section 1: Part 4", how does the narrator describe human sorrow?

7. When the narrator first met Chloe, what was his own family doing?

8. How does the narrator say he came to The Cedars?

9. How does the narrator say he felt after meeting Avril?

10. How does the narrator remember his mother reacting when he told her he wanted to go to a picnic with the Grace family?

(see the answer keys)

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